Meh, wow, my comp. lags with this... o.0 ANYwho, bleh, Kuro is meh, and bleh and ugh. And it's been forever since I've posted... o.0 Oh well. Recently I've found myself with very little time to spare on video games, and I've been so far behind when it comes to release dates and such... even on games that look good! I just... haven't found the time to look up anything, and I bet I'm missing out on a lot of stuff... Plus, so many games I find boring now... they're all the same & way too repetitive.. ._.
Bleh, but that's changing slowly, now. o.o I've started to become more & more intersted in games, just like in the old days! ^...^ CaveStory, Persona 3 & 4, etc... Though I'm still really far behind on current & up-coming titles (and I really need to broaden my gaming... views..? Horizon..? W/e o.0). I can't wait 'till Summer break, when i can (hopefully) just relax and play some games. =]
Hmmm... what else.. o.0 Oh yeah, I've been reading more & less. o.0 I can hardly get into reading full-scale novels, but I've finally gotten Johnny the Homicidal Maniac and Squee's Wonderful Big Giant Book of Unspeakable Horrors; both by Jhonen Vasquez, the creator of Invader ZIM. =D I love those books so much... o.o
As of late, I also seem to be faltering in school; though it's not entirely my fault. My math teacher hates me and my Chinese teacher is going insane so.... yeah. o.0 I'll probably be able to bring everything back up by the end of this year, though. =P
A lot of my time nowadays is spent on homework, or worrying about stuff... I barely relax... There's so much crap going around nowadays... >...> Luckily, there's always something good, and I've found something, or rather, someone.~ D I'm not gonna say who, so bleh! XD But yeah... heh... =3
I've also been more busy with drawings then usual, and just completed posibly my best work yet ( I think it is, at least. o.0). So... yeah. o.o I'm getting better with anatomy, proportions, and even forshortening! XD
Mmmmmyep... that's pretty much it... o.o
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