Good to know not to expect much of the game ! Then again, I purchase all AC games only during steam sales since they've lost their magic they had at the begining of the franchise.
Oh yes, children are very good at English at young age when it's not their native tongue ... they can swear at you in more ways in English then, say Spanish or German or whatever. You'll be surprised at how consoles in particular stimulate player "interaction" via voice chat !
So to summarize ... a big youtuber disabled his comments, Nintendo showing how stubborn it still remains, typical of japanese ethnocentric companies, and M$ is unhappy with XBOX sales thus increasing its targeted market size by addressing more countries later this year.
Even though it's boring ass COD (again), I managed to watch the whole thing :P When it comes down to making something interesting, Danny always delivers, well done !
You went over a rather broad topic there Cam. Before we get to colonization there's the matter of fuel ... the reserves of known oil left will be enough for only 40 or so more years, meaning past 2055 even vehicle transport will become hard to manage, let alone the amount of rocket fuel left for breaking through the Earth's atmosphere, unless a new type of fuel gets discovered since coal and natural gas aren't powerful enough. Then there's the matter of technology breakthrough for the colonization craft, then the matter of debris in the Earth's orbit which with each passing month become a bigger obstacle to go through. Then there's the long trip to Mars which HAS to end up with a successful landing (meaning countless landing tests must be done beforehand which will consume even more resources) and THEN we can think of actually having some colonial activities on our hands.
The "to do" list is extremely long when we're discussing space colonization and "living on another planet"... it's a good thing that there are at least a few more normal people out there who find this topic interesting and do some research. Faith in humanity - restored !
Code135's comments