^_^ Ive been tagged.
by Code_Geass_CC on Comments
Not completely sure how this system works :? Here are 10 things about me. 1. My favorite breakfast food is Pancakes and Bacon. 2. I like to watch cartoons. 3. Despite being old enough, I don't plan to get my license until Im in college. 4. I hate reading actuall books. 5. A while ago I bought a life size Keyblade (Kingdom Hearts). It was made of metal. 6. I have 14 cats and for some reason I talk to them sometimes. 7. Ive had stitches on my head 6 times, fingers twice, ears once, foot 3 times. 8. I have cosplayed for Halloween 9. I keep a pocket knife with me at all times. 10. Aside from my mom being scared from all the crime in NYC, the main reason I moved to this small ars town is because I was bullied. Now, who do I tag? There is no rule saying you have to do this, so Im gonna pick 5 people who comment on my blog. Code305 Dark-Caudus Frogloe BrunoBRS Strategist1117. I promise I wasn't planning on blogging 2x today.