Friends list cleaning. PLZ COMMENT IF YOUR ON MY LIST.
by Code_Geass_CC on Comments
With exceptions of coarse, if you don't post here and your on my list, you're off. Im not making the same mistake again. I want to actually be friends w/ everyone on my list. I'll no longer accept any friend request unless we're actually friends. Send me a PM, comment on my blog. Comment on mine I'll comment on yours. Do I sound mean? Despite this, there will be some people I won't delete even if they don't blog here or if we don't really talk. Thats because we talked in a union, or you PMd me. I won't delete anyone right away either. Im gonna make the first effort to be friends. Look for a PM ;) There are people on my list I would nvr delete and you people know who you are. The reason that I didn't blog a #8 TV show was because Im rethinking my list a bit.