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New Banner

I played around today with some screen caps I had made and created this new banner.  Spent a little more time on it than the last one which was nothing more than copying and pasting a few images to make a banner.  This one took more editing.  I'm happy with it for the most part.  I underestimated how high those tabs would go, I didn't expect them to cut off the lower part of the ThunderKittens chins, but at least everything that matters about their faces are there.

Panthro was a bit of a challenge because I wasn't able to get the same type of image of him as I got of Tygra, Cheetara, and the ThunderKittens.  They were all from the same episode which is why their quality is all the same.  Panthro looks a little more out of focus to me, but the expression is right for what I was wanting.  I don't recall what episode I made that cap of Lion-O, but I really liked it.

I used the gradiant tool for the background to fade it from black to red.  Though that makes it a little tougher to see the cat symbol.  I'm okay with that though.  Overall, I like it a lot better than the first one I had made.