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May not be game of the year....but

I've looked over tons of GOTY lists this week and while I dont personally have a game of the year, I think that alot of amazing games released at the beginning of the year are being harshly overlooked. Heres a quick list for now, tell me what you think. I will be updating this blog throughout the next couple of days.

No more heroes 2


Tatsunoko vs. Capcom


Super Mario Galaxy 2

I'll add more as they come to mind and say why these titles deserve some time in the lime light.

New Genre for action

In looking for a new horror game , I've came across quite a few sites that label certain games as horror titles. Let me be the first to correct everyone out there that the LEFT 4 DEAD series of games, aswell as Dead Rising, are NOT HORROR titles. Horror has to instill fear, panic, as well as question your environment and how you progress. Shooting a small towns worth of zombies is not horror. The only thing slightly horror about Left 4 Dead is the dead bodies that scatter the landscape and the "Civilization destroyed by a virus" overlay the game rarely explores. The game is a straight up action first person shooter set in a "Horror like" setting, doesn't make it a horror game though.

Next up is Dead Rising, a game so Tom and Jerry Over the freakin top that to call it Horror is a diservice. The game, like L4D , has you killing swarms upon swarms of undead. In what way was Dead Rising ever Horrifying? The story was bologne and cheese, the game was brightly lit almost constantly and health and supplies were never really an issue. Again, NOT a horror game.

Thats where my new Genre idea comes in, both of these titles have comedy, gore and plenty of action. So why not label them under something along the lines of Dark Comedy/Action? They both have plenty of laughs, they're heavy on gore and really really light on Horror. Thats my idea of the day and too me it's a good idea, especially when horror games are mislabled. I certainly don't go to either of theses games for the horror aspect. Thanks for reading and add whatever you want to this rant.

Games worth Buying

The videogame industry is in a sad state right now, it is completely focused on sequels and everyone of them are rehash garbage.

Over the past week I've been looking at all the games coming out from the end of August to Christmas and I have to say that the current state of gaming is PUTRID! It's absolutely freakin' mind boggling as to why ANYONE would want to buy either COD Black Ops or Medal of Honor, IS NO ONE SICK TO DEATH OF THE MILITARY FIRST PERSON SHOOTER?!?!?!

Anyway I'm not really here to complain, I'm just sharing my list of games I'm purchasing or atleast giving my attention to for the rest of 2010.

Enslaved - This game has alot going for it , in my eyes. The graphics and art direction are amazing, its based on one of the coolest stories I've read and its got some serious talent behind it. Andy Serkis is always great and I find Alex Garland to be one of the more fascinating screenwriters of the current generation.

Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom - It looks like a solid title and I love the creature designs and all the colors. Whats more interesting is that this game is in the hands of some of the people that helped create ICO, one of the few gems the PS2 has to offer. It's setting near the top of my list and it looks quite good.

Metroid Other M- It's Metroid back to its 2d roots, what can be said other than its probably a masterpiece.

Epic Mickey - The mastermind behind Ultima, System Shock and Deus Ex .....makes a Mickey game? Where do I sign up?

As you can see there aren't many games I'm looking forward to, but atleast they aren't the same crap that every other studio is dumping onto the market. Thanks for reading and share your games!

Games that aren't worth the price

I've been browsing the fall\Holiday 2010 releases and have realized that most are puke. So , I'm making a list of games I dont care about. I hope my fingers are up to the task because its a long one.

Call of Duty : Black Ops - Leave it to the masses to make a retched series become a house hold name, these games are nothing but rehash and terrible plots. Its essentially the video game version of a Michael bay film, AKA ITS GARBAGE!

Medal of Honor - The controversy on this title is hilarious, who cares who you play as , this is a COD4 Clone and thats the real crime, why rip off a peice of crap?

Kane and Lynch 2 Dog Days

Red Faction Guerilla

Fable III

Star Wars Force Unleashed 2 (The first one was a complete mess, this one looks less appealing because the first one was such crap)

FEAR 3 - 2 was terribly abysmal , seriously this one looks like garbage.

Assassins Creed Brotherhood - Looks like an expansion that shouldnt sell for 60, i feel sorry for the people who buy this one. It could easily be DLC.

Any sports game you can name - Christ, if I want to play these titles Ill go outside and save my self a chunk of change.

Rock Band 3 - Hang the guitar up already, No one cares about Keyboards, the guys that play them are the ones who dont get laid.

Guitar hero 6 - Laughable, this is the state of the industry , go down this list and look at the number of sequels. Activision is a TERRIBLE company anyway.

I gotta add Dead Rising 2 to this list, if its anything like lost planet 2 , which it looks like the same misteps then capcom will tank.

Whats great about being completely turned off by this lousy list of garbage is that there are several games to look forward to this holiday that ARENT SEQUELS! I'll put a list up in a few. Share your games too! I want to see if anyone hates these titles as much as myself.

Mid-2010 GOTY nominations

I cant believe its almost August, I'll be back to school again soon enough but while I wait for that to happen I have been playing alot of games, ALOT of games. I was thinking about which games really broke away from the norm and were above the average crap that gets tossed out. You wont find any Red Dead Redemption stuff here because the game, while decent, left a really blah taste in my mouth, the Multiplayer is full of Greifers and quiters as well as cheaters, the story was OK but it only started to get good at the end. The biggest thing going for it was the graphics, which where very well done ( Anything is well done when a game costs you 80 Mil). Honestly though it didn't set its self apart from GTA4, in fact they were pretty much the same game with different coats of paint. Mass Effect 2 the Highest reviewed game on 360 at the moment also wont be on my GOTY list because it was an utter failure in almost every capacity. It's bad when a sequel actually takes MAJOR steps backwards from its first entry. To be honest my GOTY as of now is Bayonetta. Nothing but Next Gen action and adventure with amazing graphics and some of the most fun I've had with a game in years. I originally had it on PS3 but its frame rate and terrible graphics turned me away, especially after seeing my friends play it on 360. The plot is weird, doesn't make sense at first but its serviceable. The Graphics are beautiful and fluid and the sense of scale is just awe inspiring. But the meat is definatly the game play, this game is dripping with and it has one of the widest arsenals of weapons/moves/power ups in any game I've seen in quite a while. It's definatly sitting at the top spot as of now and to be honest I don't know if it will be moved, but we'll see. If you haven't played Bayonetta, give it a shot , you wont be disappointed!

A clear difference between ps3 and xbox360, and its pretty significant.

I purchased a PS3 back in January of this year, mainly for Demons Souls a mistake that still haunts me, and was interested in purchasing Fallout 3. I finally caved and purchased it in March, and oh boy, what an even BIGGER mistake! I had played FO3 on the Xbox 360 for a small bit at a friends and thought it was a good looking title that was fun and full of wonder and adventure, EXACTLY what I was looking for. So I get home and put it in, the graphics are clearly downgraded from the 360 the freakin jaggies are unbelievable, the graphics are amazingly washed out , the distance is ugly, and the trees in the distance look absolutely god awful. The BIGGEST problem of all when it comes to the PS3 version is BUGS! This game is a trainwreck when it comes to glitches, I'm not saying any game is perfect even GTA4 had some bugs, but this version of FO3 is attrocious. In the 20 hrs I put in my PS3 locked up 20 times if not more, and I went to the internet to find remedies but everyone of them did not work .Well like I said in my last post I dumped my PS3 and got a 360 and picked up a copy of Fallout 3 yesterday. Beautiful game, all the problems with the ps3 version are essentially gone, the 360 has full screen AA and it clears up the jaggies, the textures are much cleaner and the washout is non-existant. Ive put 6 hours in and not one glitch, not one random freeze and the game is silky smooth, I thought the framerate was good on PS3 but my god its a friggin slide show compared to this one. I'm not s#it talking on the ps3, if it's your cup of tea more power to you. I just thought I would share how different the same product can be across two systems , my friends have told me Bayonetta is the same way, A masterpeice on 360 but a technically deficent ps3 game that hurts the title over all. Thanks for reading and I wanted to throw my gamer tag out if anyone wants to play some Halo 3 ODST or some Left 4 Dead 2. My GT is CodyLamp , yeah I know real original!


I just wanted to add two more games that are Visually superior on 360 the first is Bioshock 2, it's graphics are much much more clear than the PS3. The biggest visual difference is in the textures, the 360 textures have much more depth to them, another thing is the effects. For some reason PS3 version has very toned down and blurry effects, while the 360 has crisp effects that are dramatically better looking.\

The second game (and my leading contender for GOTY) is Bayonetta. We've probably all heard the difference and I put it down to reviewers nit-picking. After spending quite alot of time with the 360 version I can honestly say it is MUCH better than the ps3 counterpart even to the point where sometimes it feels like a different game. Now Bayonettas load times issue was fixed with a patch issued by sony and it fixed the game quite a bit, but the Graphics are still grainy and the framerate is still wretched in certain spots. I 360 version is crystal clear and has a rock solid frame rate and it feels like a completely different game. The framerate doesnt interfere with the action in the 360 version and for this I find it vastly superior.

Thanks for the comment Lucas , my only gripe is that I am talking about 360/PS3 games , not exclusives. Uncharted 2 is an awesome game that shows the power of the PS3, but the games above show that most developers are pretty lazy when it comes to PS3 and that when these games were made they were clearly second rung to the Xbox 360 development. Thanks for the comment! Keep'em coming!

IM BACK....with a vengence!!!!

It has been a few but after moving and getting situated in a new house I've finally returned and boy do I have a lot to say.

First off I just want to say that GAMESPOT should change its user review policy, 10 should only be allowed after the person has submitted a review and is allowed to set a game at 10. Mainly because it is the all knowing idiot button. It is the button that idiots hit to get people to pay attention to their crummy 10 word review that isn't even readable because its in L33T speak or completely dumbed the Fuk down with ignorant txt talk. Just looking at the BlackLight Tango Down review page and some moron has put up a 10 and doesn't even begin to justify it in the text. Seriously, reconsider it Gamespot.

With that out of the way I want to get something off my chest. BIOWARE IS GOING DOWN THE TOILET FASTER THAN THE REMAINS OF A CHICKEN CHIMICHANGA!!! I just dumped my PS3 and got a 360 and decided to purchase Mass Effect 2. Over thanksgiving of 2007 I feel in love with the first one, definatly one of the Coolest and Adult games released ever, I loved its scope and its adventure elements. TOO BAD ALL THAT GOT TOSSED OUT THE WINDOW WHEN IT CAME TO THE SEQUEL. No planets to explore (those that you do are about 25 min long with NOTHING TO DO), No buggie vehicle to zoom around on, No more inventory (WTF!), and really no more reason to care about this series. Seriously, this game is Matrix Sequel bad. Instead of fine tuning everything they just dumped it on the cutting room floor and turned it into a gears of war clone. Graphics are good and it still has that mass effect identity but why bother when the game is so terribly neutered? Seriously it is the most stripped down experience I've had since Deus Ex Invisible War showed up in 2003. Bioware is clearly showing where its mind is (AKA SALES) and I understand that these games arent cheap, but why abandon your design when the first game was fuc#ing amazing, both critically and commercially? Either way the game is crap and took it back. I have zero interest in part 3.,

Rant over