I purchased a PS3 back in January of this year, mainly for Demons Souls a mistake that still haunts me, and was interested in purchasing Fallout 3. I finally caved and purchased it in March, and oh boy, what an even BIGGER mistake! I had played FO3 on the Xbox 360 for a small bit at a friends and thought it was a good looking title that was fun and full of wonder and adventure, EXACTLY what I was looking for. So I get home and put it in, the graphics are clearly downgraded from the 360 the freakin jaggies are unbelievable, the graphics are amazingly washed out , the distance is ugly, and the trees in the distance look absolutely god awful. The BIGGEST problem of all when it comes to the PS3 version is BUGS! This game is a trainwreck when it comes to glitches, I'm not saying any game is perfect even GTA4 had some bugs, but this version of FO3 is attrocious. In the 20 hrs I put in my PS3 locked up 20 times if not more, and I went to the internet to find remedies but everyone of them did not work .Well like I said in my last post I dumped my PS3 and got a 360 and picked up a copy of Fallout 3 yesterday. Beautiful game, all the problems with the ps3 version are essentially gone, the 360 has full screen AA and it clears up the jaggies, the textures are much cleaner and the washout is non-existant. Ive put 6 hours in and not one glitch, not one random freeze and the game is silky smooth, I thought the framerate was good on PS3 but my god its a friggin slide show compared to this one. I'm not s#it talking on the ps3, if it's your cup of tea more power to you. I just thought I would share how different the same product can be across two systems , my friends have told me Bayonetta is the same way, A masterpeice on 360 but a technically deficent ps3 game that hurts the title over all. Thanks for reading and I wanted to throw my gamer tag out if anyone wants to play some Halo 3 ODST or some Left 4 Dead 2. My GT is CodyLamp , yeah I know real original!
I just wanted to add two more games that are Visually superior on 360 the first is Bioshock 2, it's graphics are much much more clear than the PS3. The biggest visual difference is in the textures, the 360 textures have much more depth to them, another thing is the effects. For some reason PS3 version has very toned down and blurry effects, while the 360 has crisp effects that are dramatically better looking.\
The second game (and my leading contender for GOTY) is Bayonetta. We've probably all heard the difference and I put it down to reviewers nit-picking. After spending quite alot of time with the 360 version I can honestly say it is MUCH better than the ps3 counterpart even to the point where sometimes it feels like a different game. Now Bayonettas load times issue was fixed with a patch issued by sony and it fixed the game quite a bit, but the Graphics are still grainy and the framerate is still wretched in certain spots. I 360 version is crystal clear and has a rock solid frame rate and it feels like a completely different game. The framerate doesnt interfere with the action in the 360 version and for this I find it vastly superior.
Thanks for the comment Lucas , my only gripe is that I am talking about 360/PS3 games , not exclusives. Uncharted 2 is an awesome game that shows the power of the PS3, but the games above show that most developers are pretty lazy when it comes to PS3 and that when these games were made they were clearly second rung to the Xbox 360 development. Thanks for the comment! Keep'em coming!