I've been browsing the fall\Holiday 2010 releases and have realized that most are puke. So , I'm making a list of games I dont care about. I hope my fingers are up to the task because its a long one.
Call of Duty : Black Ops - Leave it to the masses to make a retched series become a house hold name, these games are nothing but rehash and terrible plots. Its essentially the video game version of a Michael bay film, AKA ITS GARBAGE!
Medal of Honor - The controversy on this title is hilarious, who cares who you play as , this is a COD4 Clone and thats the real crime, why rip off a peice of crap?
Kane and Lynch 2 Dog Days
Red Faction Guerilla
Fable III
Star Wars Force Unleashed 2 (The first one was a complete mess, this one looks less appealing because the first one was such crap)
FEAR 3 - 2 was terribly abysmal , seriously this one looks like garbage.
Assassins Creed Brotherhood - Looks like an expansion that shouldnt sell for 60, i feel sorry for the people who buy this one. It could easily be DLC.
Any sports game you can name - Christ, if I want to play these titles Ill go outside and save my self a chunk of change.
Rock Band 3 - Hang the guitar up already, No one cares about Keyboards, the guys that play them are the ones who dont get laid.
Guitar hero 6 - Laughable, this is the state of the industry , go down this list and look at the number of sequels. Activision is a TERRIBLE company anyway.
I gotta add Dead Rising 2 to this list, if its anything like lost planet 2 , which it looks like the same misteps then capcom will tank.
Whats great about being completely turned off by this lousy list of garbage is that there are several games to look forward to this holiday that ARENT SEQUELS! I'll put a list up in a few. Share your games too! I want to see if anyone hates these titles as much as myself.