Am I the only one who is tired of seeing idiotic fanboys on every piece of news article Gamespot posts? I really do think Gamespot should just do away with the news comments, it is truely getting out of hand.
I own a beefed up PC, 360, and a Wii, and will soon own a PS3. I like every console that has ever came out since original Nintendo. I see so many kids rating games a 1.0 on one console and the SAME GAME a 10.0 on the other console. How dumb do you have to be to do that?
People should play games to play games, not because you think they are going to win some "Next Gen War". If a game comes out exclusively on one console, play it and enjoy, but if another console has exclusive.. have an open mind and at least play the game before you bash it or rate it. Almost all the BIG exclusives are great games and should be enjoyed by all.
Stop this "Next Gen War" nonsense and just be a gamer...