Coey-69's forum posts
Hey. Was wondering now that COJ BIB has been released what are your opinions on the game. I personally loved it, granted it only took me 5 and a half hours to complete but that was on medium. Now I can go back and attempt at very hard difficulty rating.I think the multiplayer is really addictive, sort of like COD but with a different feel. The graphics aswell some of the levels where you are in the woods are just beautiful to look at. Too me even if was a little short it was still an awesome one, it didnt feel like anything was too stretched out and in a way that is a good think because then a game becomes repetititve. Those were my thoughts on it anyways, would love to see yours. UBI and Techland you did a great job bring on COJ 3. If anyone wants to play online feel free to add me.
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