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Killzone 2: Warzone and Skirmish

I've been playing Killzone 2 online for some 15 hours and have received the honour of knowing that I was within the top 10% of players last week. It's an incredible game, and having just downloaded the Flash and Thunder pack, the experience is even better (I've been craving the intensity of the levels of the first game, Beachfront being my all-time favourite). However, despite the incredible online experience, I have some issues with GG's decisions regarding Skirmish mode. My first issue (probably a relateable issue, I might add) is that GG has completely left out the option to edit Skirmish mode matches, aside from amount/difficulty setting of bots. For god's sake, you can't even choose whether to add Friendly Fire to Skirmish matches! This basically means that if a Killzone 2 player wants to play offline against bots in a fully customized match, one would have to create a password protected match including only bots.

This posts some minor annoyances for me, as I haven't unlocked all of Killzone 2's multiplayer options yet (I'm ranked as a general, but have yet to obtain /many/ badges, weapons, etc.) Also, if my internet connection is down, or if my wireless connection fails, I basically can't play the kinds of matches I want to play, for the lengths of time I want to play. In my opinion, GG might as well have left out Skirmish mode, seeing how useless it really is. It's just taking up space on my disc. GG really should have left out Skirmish mode and included an offline option in Warzone, allowing Killzone 2 players to play with friends, bots, or both.