Been back from the stan for a while now which is nice. What's not nice is that it is winter meaning that the outdoors are very unappealing; drinking, homework and video games sums up life at the moment. Cataclysm turned out to be worthless so xbox is the main console for gaming. The COD series is starting to go downhill or maybe it's just me. They've all been getting high reviews but since COD 4 they've all seemed lame and lamer to me. BFBC 2 seems to be the only constant at the moment with breaks to try out whatever else seems neat. Games are entertaining as hell so all is well.
Colinschindler Blog
Chillin in Afghanistan
by Colinschindler on Comments
Well I am deployed in Afghanistan currently so I have a ton of time to play video games. Kinda sucks without xbox live or online pc play but I am catching up on all the fun offline games I never had time for... heh. Eight months in and I've doubled my xbox gamerscore and am feeling pretty current in the gaming world. Currently playing Final Fantasy XIII and it is not that fun. Way to linear, it just makes me miss the days of VII. I mean this is nearly a movie. Battle, battle, cutscene, battle, cutscene. I wouldn't doubt if half my playtime has been watching cutscenes... Not too terrible a story though, only slightly cheesy and nauseating, lol. Hopefully XIV will figure it all out and be awesome again.
Resident Evil 4
by Colinschindler on Comments
Jacob Peterson and I have just recently defeated Resident Evil 4. With no memory card we ripped through the game hoping to defeat it before Jacob's ineviteble bedtime. I never really got into the Resident Evil series but this one has definetly changed my mind. Resident Evil 5 will definetly be a must play for me. The only thing I did not like about RE4 was the lack of ammuntion. On the boss fight between Krauser we had to resort to the pistol and rifle combo and this made events extremly difficult. Also end boss was a bit too easy. Overall; however, I thought this game deserved its high ratings.
by Colinschindler on Comments
I havent been here forever... Everythings so very different. Ah well maybe ill get into this site again. Until then jordan is a noob and im out.
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