I do not believe in a religion per se, but I do have an interesting theory that changed the way I think.
What if I am "God"?
It makes sense. If you have unlimited power, have seen everything that will be, and was, then you would become extremely bored. Imagine if I (being god) designed this "universe" out of this intolerable boredom. Not to seem silly, but it would be like a large game of The Sims. Also, instead of being a hobby, maybe this reality is just one of my dreams. Dreams usually seem to last a long time while they are happening, but seem short when you wake up. How are we to assume the length of time a dream should last?
A twist on this theory is that, instead, maybe you are the God. Any one of you. And you are thinking up what I am typing right now, to add a little bit of drama to the game of being. You do not know, I do not know, yet there is a possibility that the deity that I/you am/are does know.
Just think.
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