Welcome All!
Im "Combat_Goliath" and im gonna start by writing a few words explain myself! Like i said im "Combat_Goliath" and if there is one thing i enjoy above everything else its games!!! Whether its computer games, console games, board games........if there is a game to be played im in! I also enjoy movies and television series like "Battlestar Galactica, Jericho, Stargate Atlantis, V For Vendetta, Serenity and many more". I use to skate (skateboarding that is) and body board when i was younger and i have been thinking of taking them both up again.......and maybe even a bit of surfing? See how i go !
Anyway as for games gose at the moment i only have a xbox 360 and a average computer and i would have more but i got to pay rent and bills...........and money dont grow on trees you know ! So most of my gaming at the moment is on the xbox 360 so i be writing up game reviews for that. I also have a old super nintendo so expect some game reviews for that as well, plus i probably do some pc reviews on games like "Homeworld and Half-Life" to start off with and move up to some of the newer titles later on once i get a bit more money! I do some reviews for movies and tv series like the ones mentioned above and will talk about other topics as well like skateboarding, world events or maybe something funny that happened to me during my day...........who knows
? You just have to wait and keep in touch to find out