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Combine-Police Blog

A dream I had two night's back

I had this dream two night's back.

Well it started out with me in a old apartment building with six guy's that were in some kind of gang and I walked onto the fire escape and saw it looked like Cicago and then when I walked back in two officer's busted into the door and had gun's and said "No buddy move!!!". But then for some reason I was down the street from my grand mother's house and so I walked into it and noticed it was run down the wall's had a old gray/blue color to them and the couch was a realy old one and there was a window right behind it so I got a phone that I saw and went to call my parent's but I did not know there number so I was laying on the couch and fell asleep in my dream and I woke up in my dream with my head wrapped up completely in Red Neon colored Spider web and I looked over in the window and there was a spider with blackl eg's and a pink/red body and it started climbing up the web outside the window so I started rolling to keep it away and I grabbed a paint scrapper and held it tight to my head as I rolled to get the web off and to try to kill the spider but all the sudden my head just went flat and everything went white...

And then I woke up.

What will I get for Christmas of 2007 (Part 01)

Hello Everyone.

So I am now sitting here while typing about what I will get for Christmas of 2007 I will be keeping this blog topic alive until December 24th when I get to see what is inside the little box or bag or what ever it is in and see if it is of use to me or just that thing that sit's in the corner and is ignored so I will keep everyone informed on my trial and error of trying to guess what's in it before December 24th wish me luck as I go in for the greatest mission of my life which is Christmas gift for 2007 so hope you enjoy.