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recent games and E3

My Recent Games:

Not long ago I bought 2 PS3 games Modnation Racers and Heavy Rain and I want to give my thoughts on both of them

Modnation Racers:

This game is great I would consider it the Forza Motorsport of Kart Racing (atleast that's my best comparison)because of it's in-depth customization options allowing users to create their own Karts, drivers, and tracks and the variety of user-created content is insane I've seen detailed mods of iconic characters like Mario so well done I downloaded them in an instant along with competive online-play and a pretty decent career mode this game was worth the buy.

Heavy Rain:

All I can say is wow, really wow and in a good way though this game is just an interactive movie it's an awesome movie to say the the least, everything, the story, the setting, the character development all very well done and has given me an experience I never had before in a video and have one of the biggest "slap-to-the-face" plot twists I have ever seen in a story, and the bestpart is that the game kept me in where even the most mundane of cutscenes are entertaining, unlike in that other gameflooded with cutscenes (MGS4), and the story having a constant emotional impact on me from my actions, The few problems I have with this gameare it's occassionally frustrating movement controls and a few plot-holes but overall it's a unique experience.

Now for E3 and my god was itboring this yearXP:

like last year this year involved more gimmicks with motion controls only it's even worst, not only were there only a few interesting games shown


Nintendo's attempt in making a new Wii was just pitiful I mean the Wii U? I could get past the stupid name if only it's presentation wasn't so bland and gimmicky why not announce the making of a new Starfox game instead? that would've been great but no instead we got a new console that looks like an ipad with the title "Wii" slapped in the cover. Overall Nintendo's conference was laughable at best


Unfotunately Microsoft's presentation wa salso pretty boring and pathetic all they showed was MORE footage of Modern WarFAIL 3 andGears of War 3 because obviously people weren't hype up enough about the game (sarcasm for those who don't get it); Halo 4 to me is just Microsoft's attempt at milking a franchise that doesn't needa sequel (Sound Familiar!? Activision?)and it really didn't catch my interest, to me the story ended at Halo 3 I mean the war's over, the flood's dead, the prophets are dead, the Covenant disbanded what else is there to explain other than the fates of MasterChief and Cortana?Moving on,and like last year they spent 90% of the time putting up another atrocious presentation of Kinect but in the end the 360's exclusive abilties for Mass Effect 3 do look great and will probably make the game even more immersive (me being a huge Mass Effect fan) but don't motivate me in buying a Kinect. Overall Nothing Special


Suprisingly Sony had nothing big to show other than the new PS Vita which looks cool, Uncharted 3 looks pretty sick, and Resistance 3 seems to retain the atmosphere that made the first one great, and the handful of games that Sony showdo look pretty cool there was not much to excited about, not even an update on the development of the new twisted metal game (sadly)but atleast that didn't spend most of their time showing of the PS Move like last year. Overall Not bad but againNothing Special

I can't believe you Sony!

It was bad enough that it took you six days to tell us what was happening on PSN but you had also just confirmed that My identity along with the identity of millions of others could be stolen?

Why did you not tell us earlier? it would have been better to come clean albout 4-5 daysearlier but now6-7 days after you shut down the system you just tell us that our identities could've been stolen? :?

I could care less about waiting for online to comeback just to play games but my identity being stolen is much more important!

I guess it is safe to say that this has got to be your biggest blunder yet.

You better do something about this Sony or you'll be dealing with millions of angry consumers who their IDs stolen by your careless.

I can forgive the late update on the cause of shutdown but this is different. We trusted you with our personal and credit card information and you couldn'teven take care of it? Pathetic

Sony's update on PSN outage

Well, I guess it's safe to say that the situation on PSN is even bigger than we thought, recently Sony confirmed that causes for PSN's shutdown is that the network was compromised by and I quote"illegal intrusions" or hackers, Which means that recovery is going to take longer than we thought, but with this comes some good news:

"We have a clear path to have PlayStation Network and Qriocity systems back online, and expect to restore some services within a week"- PS Blog

I'm not holding my breath, but I'm glad that Sony is deticated to fixing this issue. In the meantime while we can't play online there are some awesome single player games we could still play like: Heavy Rain, Infamous, Mass Effect 2, Uncharted 2, etc. Or If you have them, why not play on Steam or Xbox Live if you really want to play online?

As for me, while I am a little upset by this, i'm not going to overeact and send Sony piles of hate mail, because at least they are deticated in fixing this issue and I have Xbox Live as my alternative if I want to play online. It never hurts to own other consoles folks.

Thoughts on recent DLC on XBL

Here are my thoughts on some of the DLC that came out in recent times

Forza Motorsport 3 content:

Turn 10 released some pretty interesting content packs such as the Jalopnik Car Pack which only costs 400 MS Points.Itfeatures some pretty interesting cars such as the DeLorean DMC-12 and The Chevrolet El Camino and they finally released the VIP car pack for those of us who weren't able to get the Limited Edition game sadly its worth twice the amout as the Jalopnik but I think that its worth it nontheless I'm just happy to finally be able to drive the VIP cars overall Turn 10 did a great job with the DLC for their game Keep up the good work guys! :)

L4D2 The Passing:

Valve also released an interesting content pack for their game. "The Passing" features a new campaign which the L4D2 survivors meet the L4D1 survivors and the stunning revelation of what happens to one of the L4D1 survivors will sadden a lot of people who played the first game (myself included). Though its shorter than the other campaigns it has the action and features to compensate for this flaw including an M60 LMG which is Extremely powerful but ammo cannot be replensed, and a new uncommon infected The "Fallen Survivor" which was cut from the original release and has its own unique ability as well. Along with a fun campaign the DLC also feature a new game mode or game modes called "Mutation" which will feature new unique game modes every passing week. Overall If you are a fan of L4D you should not pass up on this offer it is worth 560 MS points in the Marketplace go get it if you want to.

MW2 Stimulus Pack:

While a lot of good stuff is being released at the Marketplace I cannot say the same about the stimulus pack for MW2. I thought it interesting that it features new maps and old ones from the first MW game and its currently exclusive for the Xbox 360 but what gets me was the price, The content pack costs 1200 points (ouch) :(. I didn't like MW2 that much anymore to start and I thought this will make improvements for the game, but why would I spend 1200 MS points for a map packfor MW2! sorry I'm going to skip this one I'm going to spend those 1200 points for something else like a game for XBLA. Overall I don't like MW2 that much anymore and I'm not going to spend more of my money just for a few maps and game modes on a game that still needs somepatching. Sorry :(

Recent Events

Over the past month and a half. I have got my hands on some pretty sweet games and I will say what I think of them...

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2:

It is a great game and I totally loved it. IW even fixed some ofproblems I had with the first modern warfare such as the Infinitly respawning enemies and I manage to beat the game on Veteran in one day. The multiplayer was also a great. It had interestingfeatures such as the akimbo attachment and the Scavenger perk, though I had some problemssuch as spawning into a game that the enemy team was winning by like 10 killsand the annoying akimbo 1887s which caused me to die in a lot of S&D games luckily IW released a patch to tame the 1887 shotguns overall I had a lot of fun with this game.

Forza Motorsport 3:

An awesome racing game It has over 400 cars and 52 tracks and It even fixed most of the problem from the second game such as the lack of music in racing which made the gameplay in the second fell a bit dull :P. However it still didn't include the "Create Driviator" which I thought was a great feature in the first Forza Motorsport, why they didn'tput that on both sequels I will never know.Despite this FM3 is a fun and thrilling racing game and I definetly recommend it.

Left 4 Dead 2:

I'll admit when this game was announced at E3 2009 I was rather surprised. I was hoping to get more content for the first L4D but Valve decided to instead make a sequel. Then I thought, that maybe it ain't such a bad idea besides Valve is my favorite game developer. later I got the game on my birthday and I was not the least bit disappointed. There are five campaigns all of which are very well designed and fun to play, there are more weapons to choose from like an AK-47, Desert Eagle, the SCAR-H and the satisfying to use melee weapons, the new infected are quite unique. The multiplayer was also improved featuring the fun and competitive Scavenger mode and the hard as hell Realism mode. I also like the newcharacters in the game they are full of personality and each have ther share of hilarious quotes just like the firstgame had. Overallthis game is awesome and it shows how much i disagreed with the L4D boycott

I've decided

Hello to anyone who can see this and I doubt anyone will. Recently I decided to visit this website more since all I did is merely do a few reviews and rate some games. I going to do more reviews and rating and hopefully I'll improve. So if you have a Xbox Live Account and if in any case you want to chat or send friend requests my Gamertag is revealing at the bottom of this blog.

Gamertag: Spectre15468