Hey, its been a long year with so many great games that have come and gone, hell im still rounding up the lot of games that i didn't finish last year, such as Rune factory, this is a fun sim but it gotlet dont by the combat Even though it was good i didnt like the idea of being helped by your monsters in battle because they didn't really do much anyway,except die.
Another Game is Picross, sure it fun but i just haven'e had enough time to go back and mull my way through it, the problem is that with no story and no engaging gameplay (some people would argue that) it doesn't have any play purposes other than to kill time, and with so many games coming out this year ive had a shortage of time.
bless me father for i have sinned, what was the sin you ask: not getting New super mario bros. i have been avoiding this game for so long, finally ive reserved a copy and am going to pick it ip this morning. i had the game and started playing but the cardwent missingi consiouly made the decision to get it a while back but withthe dismal amount of DS games in stores since the holiday season it hasn't been in any shops.
But think of the amount of games coming out this year and try not to wet yourself with excitement, firstly i am crazy about Proffesor layton it looks awesome with voice overs and puzzles galore i think ill have a lot of fun playing this one, next on my wishlist is Ninja gaiden dragons sword, this one has been moved back to March which totally sucks but i guess you cant have everythid can you. Next up it is Assassins creed this is finally coming out on DS but ubisoft is really tight lipped about this game, not even any screen shots, i suspect that it may be a smaller version of the original (i hope) but i suspect that it may just be a cheap spin off that sports the same name.
Next is Ninja town this game is based off characters from a clothing line but dont let that throw you off it look like a geniunly funny and smart game there's a teaserupon gametrailers, check itout.
Gotta go, Connor