Why are there even bad things or (cons) reviewers call them in a GAME THAT IS this old! What is wrong with EA Sports? How is that possible. Can they not program a game that is 'con-less' , without problems at least. Then the excuse is always, we revamped the whole system so there are more problems we have for next year and year after that. Just make a Great football game for god sakes. You guys are the only ones who can do it (eclusive license)so a world of ideas should be open. It is just another game full of mistakes. EA needs to take a year off to perfect 2014 and just sell us a 15 dollar roster update next year. C'mon EA. Can't wait til your exclusive deal is over, your Madden Football may get better. I hope.
Just afraid a year from now the producer will be talking about all the bad things13 had in it and how they corrected it. Over and over again. Same story. They never get it right. With all the eyed on this before they release it, you think they would get everything right the first time or second or third or fourth. Their needs to be competition. EA in a exclusive deal with the NFL means they don't have to try.
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