..and I'm sitting here again, writing a blog about it. Why? No idea why, but it's a good way to collect my thoughts about it.
Where to start then? Well honestly, it was once again rather bland story. Some interesting stuff. Some rather typical. Let's begin from the top with the conferences. First came the Microsoft one, which I didn't see because it ran 5 in the morning. I'm asleep by that time. But it did contain one or two interesting tidbits. Firstly we have the announcement that Gears of War is coming for the PC. Was it obvious? Oh yes. But that doesn't make it less good. One of my initial worries was that it would go the way of Halo 2 and Shadowrun by being Vista only. But I was surprised reading that it wasn't the case. Hopefully that will run true to the end and I might just buy it. Always good with a game you can just shoot stuff in a messy way. And the fact that we are getting at least some new stuff (in the beginning at least. It will be on Live at a sooner date I'm sure of it,) is always good. Gives a reason to buy it. And apparently you can play against 360 players. But if this will require a live account or not wasn't mentioned. Viva Piñata is also due for the PC, but it's of no concern for me honestly.
We can't really talk MicrosoftandE3without mentioning Halo 3. And this time around there was two trailers. More or less. First there was the Halo 3 trailer, which I saw and was mostly impressed by the musical score, which I will be getting when it comes out. The game looks more or less of the regular stuff. Some outdoor stuff, some indoor stuff and some vehicles tossed in. Nothing else special. I'll probably just read the story on Wikipedia and not bother about it. Sure does suck to be a Marine though. Firstyou had to face of against Elitesthat could massacre you, and now the Brutes whichare even worse. Ouch.Then there was the other trailer. The Halo Arms Race one. Now this one was a bit more interesting. Apparently the effects are made by Weta workshops. And while the blend of CG and Real life wasn't the bestsometimes it was still rather interesting to see a real life Marine armor. Will it be a precursor to how the movie will look? Who knows? If it is, we at least know that the weapons and armor looks more or less spot on. Resident Evil 5 looks cool. After the adventures in Not-Spain it's time for Not-Africa. Will it be more goofy Umbrella hijinks or are Illuminados involved instead?Remains to be seen. I will mention Call of Duty 4 later so. Mass Effect looks impressive from the trailer I saw. Story wise it seems both tight and impressive, but then again, looks can be deceiving. But why can't they just stick with guns instead of involving secret powers of some sort? Apparently they always have to go with that the main character is super-special-awesome and gain amazing powers instead of them being normal people put through the worst situations possible and pull it through anyway.Despite what my friends tell me, I will not get a 360 just for Ace Combat 6. Oh I would honestly, but for me it's enough witha Wii and a PC to have to buy games for. Who knows, maybe I'll just borrow it from a friend or something and then play it. Just as I did with Ace Combat 5. A game that I fell in love with in almost an instant. But I will definitely get the soundtrack. The soundtracks for the Ace Combat 4 to Ace Combat Zero games have been extremely impressive and I can't wait to hear what will come from AC6. (Surprisingly many games I'm getting the soundtracks for.)
After Microsoft came Nintendo, which I did have a chance to see actually. Despite the pitiful screen size of the stream. And once again, Nintendo managed to surprise me rather greatly. The Wii Zapper looks like a SMG and will be interesting to use in play. Will I get the game that it's more or less for? Probably not since Umbrella Chronicles looks rather dull and I prefer to play Medal of Honor on PC. But for games like Resident Evil 4 it might just be interesting to use with.Metroid Prime 3 looks like the same as the first two games but with added Wii controller support. Will I get it? Probably, as soon as I manage to finish the first game at least. The Wiiwheel looks almost embarrassing to use. Couldn't they at least make a bit bigger? Sure it's made to fit in the Wiimote, but still it looks like a kid's toy more than a wheel. Phantom Hourglass looks rather impressive with its controls and usage of the DS stylus, but since I dont own a DS I didn't really pay too much attention too it. And then there was one of the more interesting revelations of the conference. Namely Wii fit. Honestly I might just get it. Why? Because I'm a lazy slob and I actually need some exercise and this might just do a bit more fun. Sure it won't be the whole thing, but it sure beats sitting still or just moving your arms a bit. Then we have the Look at Mii channel. (Blame Nintendo for the pun and not me.) The idea for that is interesting, as it will people to mix and mingle with their Mii's. Will it lead to something more productive than just a showcase and some showcase of what you can do? Who knows, but I wouldn't be surprised if people tried to submit half a dozen variants of Hitler or someone else just to be funny. What I'd almost want to see is some more accessories for your Mii to further enable customization. The current selection is rather meek and it would be a good idea to further bolster it through downloads. I mean it has an internet connection that stays on 24/7for a reason really. Then they made announcements of a list of games that wasn't too appealing since they seemed to revolve around the similar theme of being J-RPGs. And mixing pokemon and Dragon quest smelled like trying to do a new franchise of new collect them all stuff. Ah wait... The Brawl release date. December 3rd. Congratulations you lucky sods in the US. I probably won't get it until January 08 or something. But who knows, they just might do a world wide release. But I have my doubts about that, so I'll just wait instead of hoping. I probably got other stuff to play anyway until that happens. Soul Calibur Legends looks like an interesting thing, but perhaps it might just come out a bit too generic with just swinging your sword around chopping up stuff.
And then we had last years laughing stock. Sony. Surprisingly they seemed to have learned something. But the focus on their whole Home ideas was a bit annoying.And as me and some friends pointedout, it looks almost like Second Life but without the furries and sex.And the games shown weren't that impressive, with some exceptions though. Haze looked like your generic shooter. The trailer was just silly with its live action parts. Apparently there is going to be a drug element to it. But why not show it in the trailer if it's one of the big things for the game? And as me and some friends joked on a ventrilo channel, the reason that it's PS3 exclusive is probably because everyone would have gone for Halo 3 instead of that. (Note: Checkingit up on it's info chart it actually says it comes out for the PC and 360. I'm almost certain they said it was exclusive. Guess I was hearing stuff wrong then.)Infamous looked very interesting and cool.But now in hindsight I'm not wonder if it's almost the PS3 response to 360s Crackdown with being a sandbox city and having powers at your disposal. But I digress; it might justbe me thinking too much into it.Was surprised reading that Unreal Tournament 3 is apparently PS3 lockeduntil 08, I almost suspect they're trying to attract sales for the consoleby having it so. I'd rather way for the PC version really, but that's me.Echochrome seemed a bit of a waste of having it for the PS3 too, seemed fit for a PSP game due to its simplicity.All you seem to do anyway is just to play with some optical illusions to get to the finish line. Warhawk looked likea console version of Battlefield, but with the oldflying game from last year in it,that's all I have to say about it.And why start building a back-story for Ratchet and Clank in the fourth game?Doesn't that seem a bit late to do, unless they've got 5, 6 and 7 planned too? Oh boy...Oh andwhyshow sports games like Madden and NBA like something special? We all know they come at least two or three times a year so why botherbroadcasting about them?And Heavenly Sword looks like God of War with just a female main character.AndI admit that I was very impressed by both the Metal Gear Solid 4 and Killzone 2 trailers. Graphics wise at least, but will Killzone 2 be nothing more than your standard shooter? That remains to be seen.AndI can't help towonder if those really will be the saving graces for the console.Sure there isLair (which I haven't bothered too much about, involved dragons or something) but people will probably mainly focus on those two games when it comes to the PS3.We've all heard of the lackluster sales of it, and then we have the rumors of MGS4 actually going multi-platform to cover the development costs. And then we of course have the big news, the PS3 price drop. This in fact isn't even a proper price drop as it turns out now. Instead they're dropping the price to sell out their stock and then we're back with the old price. Granted for the 80 GB Hard drive version. But we're still back to where it started from, and this might just still hurt their sales in the future. What's evenworse is that this drop isn't even going to happen in EU, despite it being a temporal one.And now rumors are abound that the 360 might just get a price drop. This might even hurt their sales even more.
Okay then, who was the best conference this year then? With the risk of sounding like a fanboy I might just have to go for Nintendo. While Microsoft had some interesting PC related stuff (more or less for once I'd say. Will Games for Windows pull through? Who knows,) it didn't have that much interesting. And Sony's just seemed bland. Especially since a couple of games they showed is going multi platform anyway. But Nintendo's announcements just seemed so much more interesting. The release date for Brawl (I know one friend of mine who was probably jumping for joy when hearing that), the aim for more online stuff for Wii. And even Wii Fit which is a very bold move by Nintendo in my book. Instead of becoming a media hub like what PS3 and 360 does with HD-DVD and Blue Ray, Wii is going for a whole different direction with its Wii Fit and tries to introduce some more motion into a gamer's daily life. And also tothe "common" audience. I mean we've all heard stories already on how the Wii is a great party tool and everything. Sure some might consider them straying a bit too far of the gaming thing, but that's almost a good thing since the 360 and PS3 is already filling in that nice with machines made for just pure gaming. Nintendo instead tries to be broad to everyone. And while yes the 360 and PS3 is that too, the Wii and Nintendo is a bit more with stuff like Fit and Brainage.
Now onto other stuff on E3, let's being with one of more interesting PC titles that were shown. Namely Call of Duty 4. One thing is for certain. I will get this game. Even the initial trailers had me hooked on it. And now the inclusion of some stealth in Chernobyl made it even more interesting. And modern era shooters aren't that common really. Sure there are a few like the Ghost Recon series, but they drown in WW2 shooters. So CoD4 seems very interesting, especially when they still keep to the same three campaign theme. I was quite amused to see that your SAS leader was Price. A very nice nod to CoD2. And the details of the Pre-E3 trailer just blew me away. (Spoiler warning for those who haven't seen it.) The scene where in the helicopter escaping the nuclear blast your looked incredibly awesome. The CoD games seems to be really good at immersive with putting you as the character inside of these events.Remember the Russian campaign of the first game with its initial parts in Stalingrad.Even just by showing how your character puts on the gasmask in the opening of the SAS part was very nice for immersion. Hopefully we will be seeing more of that in the game itself. Whenever that decides to pop out in stores. Have to keep an eye out for a release date. And probably upgrade my computer before that happens if I can't cover the specifications.
Another interesting game was S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky. Despite it's faults and problemsI rather enjoyed the first game and the world it offered for you to roam in. And this prequel will most likely be a must buy. Hopefully they will add some more weapons than the standard one I saw in the combat movie. Oh and here's a tip, dont try to make it too obvious that you're using god mode when playing. That play style in combat movie was cringe worthy at best and just screamed the usage of god mode. Hopefully GSC will release more stuff for the base game itself, since they are still working on patches for it and the addition of faction wars and free roam mode just sounds too enticing to pass up. Will we ever see a coop mode? Even if it's just for two players max? Who knows? But I'd love for it too happen. You can always dream right?
Otherwise it almost seems it was a bit tame on PC news, or that was the impression I was given from Gamespots E3 coverage. Hopefully some other source I read will giveme something more later.In short mention:
Tabula Rasa looks nice. I still haven't received any notification if I'm in the Beta or not. With irks me since it seems at least worthy of a trial.
Age of Conan looks very impressive. Want to try at least once to see how the combat system works. Will probably stay away from MMOs for the time being.
Hellgate London still looks impressive. A bit saddened that's apparently Vista only due to DX10. Why doesn't it just have DX9 and DX10 like some other games is beyond me. But there's probably a reason somewhere.
No real new Starcraft 2 info other than just a few Protoss units revealed. Interesting to see that the Carrier returns under the name of Tempest. Will probably not get it since I didn't play too much of the first game.
Frontlines: Fuels of War looks a bit too much like a Battlefield copy but with drones and some other stuff added. Which wouldn't surprise me since I think the old Desert Combat team is involved. But the trailer still gave me a Battlefield semi-2142 impression.
Blacksite: Area 51 looks cool. Shooting aliens in modern times is always fun. Might just check it out later. When my computer can probably handle it.
Judging by thepreview given,F.E.A.R. 2 looks to be very awesome and more explosive than last time. Sadly that doesn't seem to be the case of the F.E.A.R. expansion, which all of a sudden seems to add a new character with the same super abilities as our original hero in the first two games. I should really play the first expansion other than just the demo, but what I read regarding the new one it just doesn't seem solid and rather lame.
Unreal Tournament 3 looks to be more of the regular stuff.Lot's ofexplosions and some newvehicles vehicles added to the fray. Never really played the other two so I probably wont be getting it.
World in Conflict is still on my buy list. But that's because I played the closed beta and now playing the open beta.
Didn't see too much about Assassin Creed. Looks to be very interesting, but perhaps require a decent machine to run properly.
I might get Splinter Cell Conviction, haven't read too much about it. But the change of play style seems interesting. Maybe I should get around and play Double Agent.
I've read about Fallout 3 before E3 and I'm still probably gonna get it. Despite all the whines from Zealous fans. (Three words to sum that up: It's not Canon!)
Sad to not hear anything about Spore. Hopefully we'll hear about it later.
Will I get the Katamari game for the Wii? Who knows?
Will I get the Sims game for the Wii then? Most likely.
And I will get Left 4 Dead. I am a sucker for coop games.
Will I get Bioshock? Of course. I loved System Shock 2 and I will get this "sequel".
So how could I sum up this year E3? Honestly, for me it was perhapsa bit dull. The news of GoW to the PC and a new STALKER game was cool. But there was a lack of really interestingor amazingPC news for me to see. Most of the gamesis already been under development for a while or been announced before E3.Or maybe I missed it or something.(Looking at the E3 PC page after the whole thing is finishedmaybe I did.)I dont know.CoD4 is nice,but the infoabout that hasbeen known since before E3. On the Wii front it was a bit brighter with Corruption and Brawl release dateand some of the upcoming stuff for the console. But there was something special about the old E3s when there usually was some pretty interesting PC news. Or maybe I'm just fantasizing or something. Maybe I'm getting nostalgic or something?
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