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I think I like this game

I recently got the Longest Journey for pc. I started playing a ways back but never really got far. About a week ago I installed it on my new computer. The beginning was a bit slow so I wasn't really excited about it. As I got further into the game things began to pick and really get interesting. I started thinking rather positively about the game. I really began to enjoy it quite a bit. The story was the main reason I bought it and it was proving to be quite good. I finally decided that I liked it alot when I got to the chapter 'There and back again" Which is the title of the book Bilbo Baggins wrote it the LOTR, of which I am a great fan of (the books that is, movies were ok but didn't thrill me). So that sealed it for me really, silly isn't it? But then later on I met a character named...Inara. And I just blurted out, "I love this game!" The reason for this is that Inara is a character from my other obession besides games which is Firefly. I LOVE THAT SHOW!!!! Anyway even though there was no connection just the fact of the characters sharing names just made me love the game. Pretty silly eh. But the one must always maintain a general air of silliness (or craziness) to stay somewhat sane in this life. So that was my ramdom story/tale/babble of, well probably the month :-). Well this isn't long enough so I'm going to try and fill some space up with some type of words. Actually I could discuss why people like to write in blogs that absolutely no one sees. It really baffles me. I mean why waste precious time and energy writing a bunch of well usually crap in some personal profile that nobody will read or respond to? Seriously, like my friend started some wierd blog thing and I was like, What the heck for? No ones going to read that crap.  Humph, maybe I spend some time thinking about it while I play The Longest Journey.


As the week has been unfolding there has been alot going on with my life. School is very demanding and work is well, work. But out of the one of the classes I've been taking (Spanish 1) I gain alot of insight into my gaming habits. She is mildly into Zodiac personalities and kind of assign traits to different signs. Now I think that stuff is total crap, but a few things she has said have kind of "clicked." One of the thing she said about Gemini's (my sign) is that they are easily bored. They don't stick with something for a long time. And this really struck a cord especially with regards to gaming. I started looking at what I had been playing in the last few years. I realized that this trait was totally true. I do get easily bored with games. I haven't finished ninety percent of the game's I own. But I know that I can invest massive amounts of time into one game so maybe it's not quite it. I mean, I spent every possible hour playing X-wing back in the day for months. So what was the problem? Why was it that I didn't bother to finish games? I looked at games that I had finished and I realized why. It actually scared me. What was the reason? I was lazy. This smacked me in the face. Lazy? Come one, we're talking about games here. More and more though, I began to really think this was the case. I knew I was lazy outside of games, here I am playing games instead of cleaning my room etc. and my parent had been hounding me about it for months. But being lazy about games? It just scared me that the laziness "bug" had sunk so deep. As I looked at all the games I had completed, they were mostly all FPS. Call of Duty, Half-Life 1 +2, Riddick etc. All of my strategy/rpg games had fallen by the wayside unfinished. I never beat Starcraft!! For shame!! Why? Because I had to think to finish them. No reflexes, but brain power. This saddened me because I knew I had missed some great times. So I have resolved to attempt to complete all the game I have (that are worthwhile) instead of running out and buying more games. So wish me luck on my journey to renounce laziness (at least concerning games:P)

Civ, Civ, Civ, and more Civ

Well I just got Civilization IV.  Brilliant game.  Needless to say I've been playing it alot.  So glad I got it.  Actually it was really hard to find. I went to about five different stores to find it.  I could have bought it online but I didn't preorder it and I wanted it now.  So I had to hunt.  The main reason I think was because of the bumped up release meant that big retailers (ie Walmart) didn't get it and the smaller places sold out because they were getting more demand.  But I did find it so alls well that ends well.  Now I'm just waiting for The Movies.  I can't wait for that game.  I really hope that it's good.

My new addiction

I recently got a gift card to Target and I immediately thought of getting a new game. I'm not rich so I rarely get games especially fairly new ones. So after work one day I went to the nearest Target. I perused the different games for a while. I was thinking about getting Call of Duty, when my eye landed on a game I hadn't seen. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. I thought "Perfect!" I love RPGs and I love Star Wars. Could there be a better? So I purchased it. I took it home and began the installation process. Four CDs, and some automatic updates later I was ready to go. I started up. That was the best and worst discision of my recent life. I was hooked. I couldn't stop playing. I played until I knew I had to stop. The game was that good. Next opportunity I was playing again, seeking to save the galaxy from the Sith. Now let me tell you why this was the worst decsion. I am in collage and I had a paper due in a week or so. Well, goodbye good grade for paper. I planned on using the weekend to get the paper done. Nope, there I was playing Knights. So unless you have something that needs to get done I highly recomend this game. If you have things that need to be completed (like a paper) don't get this game. The paper won't get done. The game is so good that my sister is playing it. This may not seem so amazing, but my sister does not ever play video games. Solitare is the furtherest she'll go. I convinced her to try Knights, and now she keeps bugging me about playing it. SW:KOTOR=Great game.

Yea! My first entry!

Well, this shall be my first entry in my journal. I really don't have anything to say, especially in light of the fact that no one will read this. I just got the bonus pack for Unreal Tournament 2004. I have to say that the new maps and vehicles are very cool. My favorite map is the Tricky Onslaught map. The Cicada is the best new vehicle, though the SPMA is pretty cool. I got the new patch as well so I could install the bonus pack. I was frustrated because they seemed to have tweaked the AI. I was playing several Onslaught maps with the AI on Novice. I was frustrated because my team did so badly. My team would lose if I didn't actively try to achive winning. It prevented me from playing a more supportive role (ie pounding enemy from afar with the SPMA). I suppose that should be good, but I like to be able to play that type of role rather than having to do all the frontline work myself. Well I'm going close now. I can't really think of much to write about as I am quite tired.