I think I like this game
by CookieJar on Comments
I recently got the Longest Journey for pc. I started playing a ways back but never really got far. About a week ago I installed it on my new computer. The beginning was a bit slow so I wasn't really excited about it. As I got further into the game things began to pick and really get interesting. I started thinking rather positively about the game. I really began to enjoy it quite a bit. The story was the main reason I bought it and it was proving to be quite good. I finally decided that I liked it alot when I got to the chapter 'There and back again" Which is the title of the book Bilbo Baggins wrote it the LOTR, of which I am a great fan of (the books that is, movies were ok but didn't thrill me). So that sealed it for me really, silly isn't it? But then later on I met a character named...Inara. And I just blurted out, "I love this game!" The reason for this is that Inara is a character from my other obession besides games which is Firefly. I LOVE THAT SHOW!!!! Anyway even though there was no connection just the fact of the characters sharing names just made me love the game. Pretty silly eh. But the one must always maintain a general air of silliness (or craziness) to stay somewhat sane in this life. So that was my ramdom story/tale/babble of, well probably the month :-). Well this isn't long enough so I'm going to try and fill some space up with some type of words. Actually I could discuss why people like to write in blogs that absolutely no one sees. It really baffles me. I mean why waste precious time and energy writing a bunch of well usually crap in some personal profile that nobody will read or respond to? Seriously, like my friend started some wierd blog thing and I was like, What the heck for? No ones going to read that crap. Humph, maybe I spend some time thinking about it while I play The Longest Journey.
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