I currently have a PSP Slim I bought off of ebay for $100. I can sell it now for about $86. I was thinking about getting a new PSP because the one i have collects dust under the screen. I saw someone's PSP 1001 and it had no dust. He's willing to sell it for $25, but it is scratched noticable on the screen and the analog nub sometimes moves the guy on screen by itself. I am considering getting either the 1001 or the PSP Go, but I want I want to buy it used (cheaper), but I want a model that doesn't collect dust. So to people who have the Go or a 1001, does yours get any dust under the screen? How often do you use it?
Coolio86's forum posts
I'm looking for a game that is open world, but the character that you play as moves in a very stylish fashion. i.e. Running long distances getting by obstacles and looking cool while doing it. Kinda like the E3 10 trailer for True Crime. When I say open world I mean like I can walk into almost any building and cause a commotion if I want to. It has to be in modern time with tall buildings. I don't care if there is or isn't multiplayer. It can be for PS3/360. Is there a game like this?
I've played open world games like Red Dead Redemption and AC1,2, and ACB. I really enjoyed the platforming in the 2008 Prince of Persia. I just thought of looking for a game with qualities from all of these other games that would make a pretty cool modern day open world game. If you know one please post about it here.
Just wondering how would a 46" Sony XBR8 handle a 720p game like Assassins Creed 2? Is there any lag? How exactly does this whole HDTV gaming lag thing work? I know that any SD game or console, like the Wii would lag on an HDTV, but if I play a Native 1080i or a native 720p game on a 1080p TV, like the XBR8, does the picture look as good on it as a TV with Native 720p or would it look good but not as good as a TV with naitve 720p? Would a 720p game in native resolution cause lag on a 1080p set?
I was really interested in the XBR8 and I need to know how it is with video games. I have a Wii, 360, and PS3, so if you know anything, please tell me. And is it possible to play Rock Band or Guitar Hero on a 1080p TV with no lag?
Has anyone been successful tethering the PSP Go to an iPhone 3GS? Even using PDANet?
If you have been able to tether ANY phone to the PSP Go, can you play online Multiplayer over your cell phone's 3G connection?
When you use a PS3 controller how does it feel? Has anyone played the FF Dissidia Demo using the PS3 Controller? If so please post the controls?
Does anyone have ANY good guess when Dark Alex will make CFW for the PSP Go? Has he even gotten his hands on it yet?
In your opinion which is better, the PSP 3000, PSP 2000, or the Go? Why?
Out of the 3000 and 2000, which one has the least screen problems?
I say a list of PSP games that are compatible with Ad-Hoc Party on the PS3. But Ad-Hoc Party is only available in Japan, I was wondering, if I have the US version of the Japanese game that is compatible, will it work on Ad-Hoc Party, or not? I wasn't sure because there may be a difference between the US and Japanese versions of the game.
Is a PSP really that great? I have a 360, PS3, Wii, DS Lite (I hate the DSi, no GBA Slot), PS2, and PSOne, would the PSP just complete me?
I have a really simple question. When a Mac runs Windows XP through BootCamp, is there ANY program that can't run in the Windows part of the Mac that could run on a PC running Windows?
Hey guys, whats up, I've been here a while and never actually stopped to just say Hi.
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