Sorry, I haven't been blogging recently or even commenting very regularly, I've been hanging with my friends and doing a lot of sleeping.
Well, I said that I would talk about Chuck in depth but then I realized that the only time I put in any amount of effort into organizing my thoughts is when I write school papers. Anyways, I recently re-discovered Chuck after only watching the pilot. The thing that got me interested again was an episode of IGN's Channel Surfing podcast. They were talking about it being renewed and that just urged me to marathon it. Over the past year or so I have marathoned various TV shows with How I Met Your Mother being the one before Chuck.
Anyways, I've described Chuck this way before, but I stand by it. Chuck feels like a mix of Burn Notice, Inuyasha, and throw in some Jim Halpert as well. Of course that's a very loose description of the series and not some all-encompassing one that says everything about the series.
I could tell you everything about the series but I'm just going to stick with the points I've already mentioned.
Burn Notice-They are both shows about spies. However, because Michael Westen is a burned spy, the dynamic is automatically changed. However, the way things get done in each show still have that loose rope connecting the two. Chuck doesn't pretend that they are teaching you anything and to an extend neither does Burn Notice, but they still tackle their topics differently. I guess this is more of an argument for why both shows can co-exist. So to simplify it and bring it back to the purpose, they're both spy shows and that stuff intrigues me.
Inuyasha-Calling this a guilty pleasure doesn't quite nail it on the head. I didn't care that much for the action. No, I was there for that Inuyasha/Kagome pairing. It was through this show that I learned the term "shipping." I was the person who cheered every time Kikyo died (Spoilers, hmm probably should have warned you ahead of time....oh well). I was thankful when we didn't have to deal with Naraku and we got to just take a look at and often advance the relationships. For those who have seen it, when I say advance I mean like having the car in drive, no gas, and the emergency brake is on sort of advancing. Chuck brought in the Chuck/Sarah combination very early on, like when you first see her early. Yvonne Strahovski is so beautiful and not ****** (most of the time) that you can't help but be rooting for this good-natured guy to get the girl. I won't ruin what happens for those unfamiliar with the show, but as with these sorts of things there's always a "will they, won't they" many times. While some got tired of it, I didn't. The show manipulated me perfectly so that I didn't get exasperated with the whole thing before they threw me a bone and then went back to their business as usual.
Stay at an electronics store, or get shot at with her....
Jim Halpert-I quickly grew to love The Office because of a combination of the humor, Jim/Pam, and well just Jim himself. I've always really liked the guy, and while there are times when he can do some really questionable things, I never dislike him for an instant. In fact, I truly believe this guy could be robbing me and I wouldn't hold it against him. In a lot of ways, Chuck reminds me of Jim. I'm not just talking about that crazy hair, but in the way the characters are. They are surrounded by "unique" people for the most part, yet stay charming in whatever situation they are in. When they screw up, it's acknowledged but still in a very charming way. I should let it be known that their charm isn't that Bond charm where he basically enters the room and before he leaves there are three new pregnancies in the room, even though there's only two women. Jim is a lot more smug than Chuck is though. I suppose that's why some people can get annoyed at the guy. Chuck does display some arrogance every now and then, but it's not like his personality changes altogether. I mean the guy is surrounded by spies, so when he accomplishes something as a normal guy, it only seems fair to let him think highly of himself for a little while.
I could go on all day about Chuck, and if we were actually talking, my thoughts would make more sense. It's much easier for me to talk about a subject than to lecture about it. Perhaps I should have said converse instead, but no matter. For any of you who haven't watched Chuck yet, go out and give it a chance. It's a great show that struggles every year not to get cancelled. For those of you who already watch it, I applaud you. And for those of you who don't like the show, why the hell did you get this far into this rambling, incoherent post. I don't go reading Amateur Nazi Propaganda.
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