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Coone-baby Blog

Holy building blocks, Batman!!!

Lego Batman is one of the funnest games that I've ever played! Right up there with Lego Starwars. haha I've had it for 5 days now (rented) and I think I'm probably buying it. If you've played Lego Starwars, then you know the fun gameplay and funny little character. Still waiting for Lego Spiderman... hahaha

Well, I just pre-ordered Robot Chicken Season 3. If you're reading this and saying, "WTF is Robot Chicken?!" then you need to stop. Go to Youtube. Enjoy. :)

I also ordered Resistance: Fall of Man. That will be the first PS3 game that I've purchased! *cheers* *trumpets sound* *more cheers*

... unless, of course, I buy Lego Starwars today like I'm considering. haha

I was very tempted to order ES IV: Oblivion, but I want to rent that first. I know I'm a little behind, but I'm loving my machine. :)

Still givin' the Wii love. Mario Kart is crack!!! I just realized yesterday that I've got Twilight Princess to beat. hahaha I'm easily distracted.

Keep it here for another exciting adventure in blogging! Same Bat-time! Same Bat-place!!!


Huh, I like the new look. I haven't been on in a couple of months, I guess. I've been working alot, as per usual... I bought Rock Band a couple months ago, and we've been enjoying that alot! Right now I'm playing Kingdom Hearts 2... finally! Great so far, though I'm not very far in, I know it doesn't go south. We've also been playing quite a bit of Mario Kart with my in-laws. I can actually have fun with my inlaws! sweet!

I ordered Heroes: Season 2, and I devoured it as soon as it got here. God, I love that show! I don't really watch much TV, with my crazy hours shifting all over the place, so I wait for DVD. hahaha I hope to keep up this season. I also ordered How I Met Your Mother: Season 3, but that's not hear yet. Funny show, I like it.

I've been to a few decent concerts this summer, the most recent being Saving Abel. Great live show! Ashley and I are hoping to go see Trans-Siberian Orchestra on Dec. 23rd. I'm really excited about that one!!!

That's about all I've got...

The search is on

Well, I haven't purchased any titles for the PS3 yet. I'm still testing the waters. I've rented GTA IV, Assassins Creed and now Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. Assassins Creed was fun and really visual but I didn't get as many opportunities to play into it as I'd hoped so I can't say I was blown away, but I can say that was starting to. ;) I just started Uncharted tonight, and I can already say that the story is more interesting... but the graphics aren't the same and I don't get to leap at people with a hidden blade... bummer dude. GTA IV is totally looking like the one I'm gonna buy first. Damn, I love that game. I still want to rent Rachet & Clank and check that out (yup, it could be a contender) and Resistence. I've never been too crazy for racing and I've never really played a Metal Gear title, so the jury's still out.

I have, however, bought a couple Blu-Ray titles. Shooter and The Last Samurai. Look great on the new set! Problem is, I already own tons of movies and I don't want to replace them right away (i.e. Matrix trilogy, 300, Spiderman, etc.) I did find Terminator 2 for like $13 so I will definately replace that one. I rented 300 and didn't notice very much difference from the DVD in the same drive, which doesn't suprise me, because of the way the movie is displayed and the upconverting capabilities of BRD players. So, I'm good there. ;) I did watch Advent Children today and now I want to see it on BRD, out of curiosity.

Any stand out titles "ya'll" can recommend? My set is DLP, and it excels in bright colors and out-door shots. Always lookin' for suggestions.

Did I go overboard???

Well, I finally did it! I bought a PS3 today. It was somewhat of an impulse buy, though, because I first purchased a 61" Samsung DPL with full 1080P. I don't screw around. haha So I'm totally thrilled to check out CoD4 and a bunch of other titles. But the Wii isn't going anywhere. We just got WiiFit the other day, and it's actually alot of fun! Smash Bros. is Smash Bros. and I'm sure we'll be playing Mario Kart into the next decade...

Dude, I'm totally psyched about watching the next (hopefully they take it and make it last) Wings game tomorrow night. Last night my wife commented that she wished we had a bigger screen to watch the game on and I knew that was my "go ahead" sign. So I did. and I went BIG!

I will get there!!!

Well, my wife and I went home to Gaylord this weekend for my brother's birthday. It was alot of fun and nice to see the folks. My brother and I took my dad to see 10,000 BC (which was pretty cool) and we got new cell-phones. That was NICE! I needed to have my number released from my dad's plan and transferred to my wife's new plan. So, we made that transfer and I decided to update my phone. My brother and I have had the same crappy $.99 phones for the last 3 years. His phone was being held together by scotch tape in some spots. LOL So, he got a Moto-ROKR (which my dad paid for) and I bought a Moto-KRZR. I LOVE it! We got home and obviously had to load them up with music. He had a Mini-SD card already and I snagged my wifes from her phone. ;)

Ok, so, now to get back to gaming! I GOT BRAWL! I had it reserved at GameStop and they close at 6pm on Sundays... well, we didn't get out of my parents house untill 4pm... and it's like a 2 1/2 - 3 hour trip back to Grand Blanc... we made it in 1 hour and 55 minutes. :D I was thrilled and wired. We pulled up and they had the gates down over the windows. I was pissed!!! But, all is well, we got some dinner and got it home. The controls are crazy to get used to but the new characters are alot of fun to meet. I'm deffinately excited to progress and eventually check out the new additions.

(3 hours later)

Ok, so my wife took the computer from me three hours ago and said that she wouldn't close my GameSpot window. She didn't so we we're all good. ;) I've been playing Brawl since I stopped typing, and I love it!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm comfortable with the controls now, for the most part, and I love the new characters! I've been playing Pit and Marth alot and I love them! This game is going to be the end of me... haha

*yawn* well, It's getting late and I've been up working all F-ing day. ciao

My Late New Years Resolution...

I started working on Paper Mario the other night and added a few hours of play time, then I had a hankering (yes I used 'hankering') for Final Fantasy XII. Well, I decided that since was like 68 hours into FF XII, I needed to finish that puppy up! I have got this horrible habit of starting too many games and then leaving them unfinished for a long time and sometimes never finishing them. Well, yesterday before I went to work, I finally beat FF XII, and I was so proud of myself! haha I really loved that game, and there is sooooo much that I didn't complete. For instance, I want to go back and complete the Hunts, I wanna get the Ultimate weapons, hit the extra dungeons, etc. REALLY enjoyed the story and characters in this game. If I were more articulate, I'd write a review... ya know what, I think I might anyhow. Haven't done that yet. We'll see.

This was all spurred on by a rental. I was renting some movies the other night and tried to rent Tales of Symphonia but the disks were too messed up and it wouldn't read. I was so bummed that I swung by Gamestop to see if they had it. I have played a little of it before and liked it alot, so I wanted to check it out further. Well, I got there like 8 minutes after closing. So, I figured "hey, I've got all sorts of games that I haven't finished at home, I'm gonna work on one." So, now that that is done I realized that I haven't finished FF X all the way and I'm not far on disc 2 of FF VII (I'm such a horrible fan! haha). But there is good reason for that; I had been looking for a guide to FF VII and just bought one a couple weeks ago. So, I'm tempted to finish VII but now that I'm into Paper Mario and really feeling it, I think I'm gonna roll on that for a bit... untill this weekend when Brawl comes out!!!!!!!!!!! Then everything will be left behind for a while. lol

Games I've not finished:

God of War (but I loaned it to my best friend, so when I get it back I'll finish it off)

Paper Mario (started playing it in, like, 2001... borrowed from a friend, but he was a d!ck and "needed" it back...)

Mario Galaxy

Final Fantasy X

Final Fantasy VII

Final Fantasy VI (I've played it on an emulator some, but I gotta buy it and beat it)

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories

Castlevania: Dawn of Sarrows (I'm actually actively working on this one right now and making great strides... when i have time.)

... and I'm sure there're more that are escaping me.

I own but need to START Zelda: Twighlight Princess, Kingdom Hearts II (actually beat the first one, hahaha), Final Fantasy VIII and Final Fantasy IV/Chrono Trigger.

Oh well, I'll get there...

Jumper... should have jumped off a cliff...

Well, the wife and I went to see Jumper last night... and it was ok. I liked the beginning and it had a great premise, but the story started to go by the end. Special effects were decent and like I said, the idea of teleportation was a great premise, but I don't think they gave us enough detail on ALOT of things. Oddly enough I thought that Hayden Christiansen was a good choice for the part and Sam Jackson plays a good villian, but Rachel Bilson was not good... I liked her on the OC (mostly 'cause she's hott and kinda funny) but she just didn't act well in Jumper. Oh well, free tickets. haha

Been playing Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrows lately. Such a fun game. I played it a bit when I got it, but loaned it my best friend who's up in the U.P. @ school (about 7 hours away from me). I just got it back a few weeks ago and I decided to take my DS to my really boring professional writing class. Got another couple hours in. haha Still can't wait for Brawl... oh man... and I've been getting my Mario fix from SM Galaxy. Such a fun game! I play it a couple times a week (basicly when I have a nice chunk of time to devote) for a few hours at a time. I'd really like to give it a solid weekend and just beat the thing, 'cause I've got Twilight Princess to play and Brawl coming soon! :D

How 'bout the untimely death of HD?! That sucks... not really for me, though, I wasn't invested in either. I'm one of those passive b@stards that waited for the dust to settle. I guess I'm goin' Blu-Ray! haha I told my wife that I wanna use our econ-stimulous check to buy an HD-TV. She said, "Why don't we use it toward buying a house that you can put a frickin'(edited) TV in!?" Oh, silly girl... lol We'll see...

That's about all I've got today. Happy hump-day!!!

Planet Brawl

Well, I reserved SB Brawl the other day. Can't WAIT for that!!!!! oh man...

Other than that, I've been rolling on Super Mario Galaxy pretty well. Time is a bit of a problem, because I've been working over 50 hours a week. I haven't played Guitar Hero in a while, so I think I'll hit that up a little bit before I go to work... frickin' job. I've got Twighlight Princess to play too... man, I'm behind... lol My brother got me a 2000 wii point card for X-mas that I haven't used yet. I almost bought Street Fighter 2 on the virtual console yesterday, but I resisted the urge when I saw the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!!! hahaha I resisted that urge as well. I think I'm gonna get Super Metroid, because that's a classic that I've never played. If they ever add Final Fantasy I I'm all over it. lol

Wow, I just finished Grindhouse: Planet Terror. That was way sweeter than I thought it would be!!! I know that sounds retarded, but there were alot of cool visual elements, the music was good, the story was... well, I guess it was there... the characters were funny, the blood was ABUNDANT! I enjoyed it. :) Oh yeah, and Rose McGowan is hott. Even with a knub. haha

Well, that's about all I've got for now.

Happy New Years!!!

Well, the wife and I are on the west side of the state today, celebrating New Years with her family. We got here about 7pm last night and played WiiSports for about 3 hours. hahaha I brought Mario Galaxy and showed it off for a bit and then my sister-in-law and I rocked some original Super Mario Bros. on the virtual console. Then my wife joined in the fun when we switched to SMB 3. My mother-in-law is an old school Mario fan and she rocks pretty hard. I married into a fun family. :) Well Happy New Years to all!!!

Hahaha, I hear my father-in-law bootin' up the Wii for some tennis. W00t!!!

Some very merry additions

First of all, Merry (day after) Christmas to all!!! Well, I got Super Mario Galaxy from my parents for X-mas... in a round about way. My mom took my little brother (ok, he's 17... not too little) to Walmart to get me a game and he said that I'd like Mario Party 8... why? I don't know... Well, I hate returning things, but I exchanged it for Galaxy. Mom didn't mind at all, she blamed Cody anyways. haha oh yeah, Cody's my brother. He's a big gamer too, but I can't get him to join GS. He's a 360 guy. Halo, GTA, Madden, etc. and he's f***ing good, too. Anyways, I don't know why in the hell he picked Mario Party 8 over Zelda, Metroidor Mario Galaxy... dork... haha He DID get me a 2000 Wiipoints card, though. 'ata boy!!!

So, I exchanged that. Today, my wifejust "had to go to" Kohl's for their ealry-bird sales, so I went to Walmart and bought Twilight Princess and Kingdom Hearts II. I also picked up U-571 out of the $5 bin and Casino Royal (I have no idea why I didn't own that yet... such a great movie!!!) My wife bought me Harry Potter: Prisoner of Azkaban for my b-day and soher mom got me all the rest for X-mas. hahaha Sweet!!!! I love these movies. I'm watching the first one right now. They're just alot of fun. Actually, she got me all but the forth year. My wife's grandmother got me the forth year. ;) Nice teamwork there.

Well, that's aboutall of my GS relevant goodies. I had to work yesterday, didn't mention that... LAME!!!! It was only 1-6pm, but it sucked... soooo bored. I'm an assistant manager for Walgreens, and we were the only store open in town (Fenton, MI). So we were busy enough to pass the time, but it was right in the middle of my day, so I didn't see my wife much. :( Oh well, I'm new so I'm the low man on the totem-pole. At least I didn't work from open to close (9am-6pm) that would have sucked large.

Alright, well Happy Holidays to all and have a great New Years!!!