I started working on Paper Mario the other night and added a few hours of play time, then I had a hankering (yes I used 'hankering') for Final Fantasy XII. Well, I decided that since was like 68 hours into FF XII, I needed to finish that puppy up! I have got this horrible habit of starting too many games and then leaving them unfinished for a long time and sometimes never finishing them. Well, yesterday before I went to work, I finally beat FF XII, and I was so proud of myself! haha I really loved that game, and there is sooooo much that I didn't complete. For instance, I want to go back and complete the Hunts, I wanna get the Ultimate weapons, hit the extra dungeons, etc. REALLY enjoyed the story and characters in this game. If I were more articulate, I'd write a review... ya know what, I think I might anyhow. Haven't done that yet. We'll see.
This was all spurred on by a rental. I was renting some movies the other night and tried to rent Tales of Symphonia but the disks were too messed up and it wouldn't read. I was so bummed that I swung by Gamestop to see if they had it. I have played a little of it before and liked it alot, so I wanted to check it out further. Well, I got there like 8 minutes after closing. So, I figured "hey, I've got all sorts of games that I haven't finished at home, I'm gonna work on one." So, now that that is done I realized that I haven't finished FF X all the way and I'm not far on disc 2 of FF VII (I'm such a horrible fan! haha). But there is good reason for that; I had been looking for a guide to FF VII and just bought one a couple weeks ago. So, I'm tempted to finish VII but now that I'm into Paper Mario and really feeling it, I think I'm gonna roll on that for a bit... untill this weekend when Brawl comes out!!!!!!!!!!! Then everything will be left behind for a while. lol
Games I've not finished:
God of War (but I loaned it to my best friend, so when I get it back I'll finish it off)
Paper Mario (started playing it in, like, 2001... borrowed from a friend, but he was a d!ck and "needed" it back...)
Mario Galaxy
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VI (I've played it on an emulator some, but I gotta buy it and beat it)
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
Castlevania: Dawn of Sarrows (I'm actually actively working on this one right now and making great strides... when i have time.)
... and I'm sure there're more that are escaping me.
I own but need to START Zelda: Twighlight Princess, Kingdom Hearts II (actually beat the first one, hahaha), Final Fantasy VIII and Final Fantasy IV/Chrono Trigger.
Oh well, I'll get there...
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