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Did I go overboard???

Well, I finally did it! I bought a PS3 today. It was somewhat of an impulse buy, though, because I first purchased a 61" Samsung DPL with full 1080P. I don't screw around. haha So I'm totally thrilled to check out CoD4 and a bunch of other titles. But the Wii isn't going anywhere. We just got WiiFit the other day, and it's actually alot of fun! Smash Bros. is Smash Bros. and I'm sure we'll be playing Mario Kart into the next decade...

Dude, I'm totally psyched about watching the next (hopefully they take it and make it last) Wings game tomorrow night. Last night my wife commented that she wished we had a bigger screen to watch the game on and I knew that was my "go ahead" sign. So I did. and I went BIG!