Yesterday I went to see a recruiter with my father, who also is in the military. They said very bluntly that my tattoo is a automatic disqualification. Even if I had to removed, and it still be having a shadow, it would still disqualify me. Even if I had a waver, which they said they do get turned down, especially since I'm a female , there's still a strong chance I could get turned down. So basically, I could get my tattoo removed and find out that I'm still disqualified. They said they usually just take 3 females a month, without wavers. They actually ask us to try L.A, since the rules may be less restrictive.
I'm very disappointed not only because I'm disqualified, but because I see these little naive teeny bopper girls who just come out of high school who are in Marine outfits that don't even deserve to be in Marine outfits! Yes, they shouldn't even be in Marine outfits, the don't deserve it. They should be behind the pharmacy counter at Vons. The Marines have gone soft, especially picking out these kinds of female Marines.:evil:
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