CornALl / Member

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What the sequel needs: Socom 3

Night and day versions of all maps: Frostfire in the day and Crossroads at night would be amazing
At least 35 maps, new and old - Bring the old ones back, night and day feature, and make a bunch of new ones
Make all the maps bigger - Maybe open some areas up in old maps and make the new maps all bigger
Integrate Gamebattles in Socom - We shouldn't have to set our own tournaments and clan wars up
More guns - Of course its obvious they need more guns
Make sure the guns are actually balanced on both sides - No I dubs or making the Seals overly powerful
More silenced weapons for terrorists - Terrorists need to be quiet too
Custom skins - I don't like the 4 skins per map thing
Have the vehicles be fair on both sides - Seals don't need to roll up on a crappy sedan in a tank and rape some terrorists
More patches - Only one patch released in Socom 2? Why did I buy a HDD?
Better offline mode - There doing this, no complaints here
More people - 24 per map please