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#1 CorpusDelecti
Member since 2009 • 25 Posts


[QUOTE="DragonfireXZ95"] Youtube is free. Gamespot is free. PSN is free. Xbox Live Gold isn't. Apparently you guys don't understand this concept.Cruxis27

no you are just not understanding what a ad is.

look at youtube pretty much everything you see on the front page is a advertisment to that video, it is also how people make money from youtube. and also websites get money from amount of traffic, more traffic, more money. everyone wants you to go to there website, think what would happen if no one went to gamespot, would it really be what it is now? now. Xbox Live can't work that way

Free websites make money from ads. Xbox Live makes money from you. Putting ads in a paid subscription is blasphemy, I don't understand why people are trying to say otherwise. Imagine if WoW suddenly had ingame ads, or Netflix.

Well technically WoW does have ingame ads.... Stupid gold sellers....
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#2 CorpusDelecti
Member since 2009 • 25 Posts
I'm still trying to figure out why so many people are posting, "The only people complaining about the ads on XBL are those idiots who don't own an Xbox!" Does that make any sense? I own every console, and I'm not complaining about the XBL ads due to the fact that I don't use my Xbox... just collects dust. But ever since console gaming hit online capabilities there are always going to be ads somewhere. Back during the Coleco Vision and Atari days, there were no ads because well. Let's face it, there was no online, and scripting a companies ad into a game really wasn't all that huge at the time either. Back in the 80's people figured gaming was just a fad, like guys wearing hot pink and neon greens...
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#3 CorpusDelecti
Member since 2009 • 25 Posts
I still can't seem to shake how humorous this post is in the first place. A point from myself though, I've honestly never had issues with the PS3 updates, but I guess that goes with being able to have a decent connection to the internet... my Xbox however runs like crap online and hardly wants to connect, se la vie. Also, for those bashing PSN and the credit card information being stolen are apparently very unread and still have yet to learn that it was just a "warning" to their consumers that information "may" have been compromised, yet none of it actually was. The only reason it seemed that it was is due to ignorant masses realizing, OMG I signed up for that Nigerian Prince ad on Craigslist, and then PSN was hacked and now I have all of these outlandish charges on my credit card. People who haven't had to deal with identity theft or protection there of have no real idea of how slow a process it would be to steal ones person information and credit cards. No smart individual is going to capture your credit card information outright and then start charging randomly, that's the easy way to get caught. They go about it slowly and unnoticed. Usually during the holiday seasons. And as I recall, Xbox isn't more secure than PSN due to the fact they to have been shut down by hackers, but those who say otherwise are probably new to this entire console gaming phenom some of us elder gamers know and love. And I guess that's just my two cents.
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#4 CorpusDelecti
Member since 2009 • 25 Posts

This has to be the stupidest arguement I have ever seen brought up against the 360, and I am a COW. Really? The ads that "cover" the dashboard? Funny, Im on the 360 dashboard right now, and on the Spotlight section (the 360 equivalent of the "whats new" section on PS3), and right now I dont see a single non-game related ad on the system. There is usually ONE ad up there, like a Nissan ad or something, but you have to actively go out of your way to see it.

This is how you identify people who do not own 360s or regularly play them, if you are pointing this out as a legitimate concern to your gaming experience.

These are the ads you are complaining about:

You will spend an entire 4 seconds in this screen. Also, note that this is the ONLY non 360 gaming related ad in this section, and I had to scroll through like 10 the ads just to find it. Every single ad on there except this Nissan one is advertising something 360 related. Right now, there is an ad for Gears 3, an ad for extending your XBL for $1, some s*** about Kinect, an add for Fifa12, and a host of other 360 related things. The Nissan ad was actually 7 ads down. Are you telling me that this bothers you?

But lets look at PS3.....would you look at that! an ad for Lil' Wayne's "the Carter 4" on PS3, and the movie THOR. I guess your PS3 gaming experience is ruined :roll: . (also, note that after taking this picture, there is a footbal ad up there for Direct TV "NFL Sunday Ticket". Guess that ruins your experience huh?

The thing about it is...who cares? Not only do you spend 4 seconds on here, you have to actively go out of your way just to even see the ads. This is the stupidest arguement I have ever seen a PS3 fanboy use to discredit the 360, and I am a Cow.

Can any 360 owners ever say that they have been bothered by this? (or even acknowleged the existence of these ads?)

I just wanted to point out that while, PS3 has adds on their XMB it is still a free to use service. Where as Live is not free to use and having ad revenue for something you subscibe to isn't very good busines ethic. There's also the fact that you happily pointed out the Thor ad on the PS3 XMB but failed to point out the Japanese game show as well as Thor and The Avengers ad on the Xbox that is plainly seen in your camera shot there... But hey, it's whatever. People will complain about anything and everything, it's just human nature. You're feeding that fire by complaining back about it.