The current election has bought up many issues. One that people will try to avoid is racism for obvious reasons. Now, I have have some personal experience with the subject unfortunately. I am an African American and have experienced what I would categorize as mild racism during my life. I have lived in predominately white areas with mostly white friends and acquaintances.
With that being said, I want to address racism in America. Now I've heard people say that racism doesn't exist anymore I don't know how people can say anything like this. Racism isn't as evident as it may have been in the 50's and 60's but it is still here. It is just more subtle these days. Now maybe things are different in the rest of America but I know that in the south racism is still very evident. It isn't necessarily the actions of people but their comments and demeanor. I am aware when racial jokes or comments are in jest and when they are meant as a tool of disrespect.
I also think that there is a common misconception that all blacks are lazy and uneducated. This is one that I hear all the time. Some people would have you to believe that many blacks reside in poor urban areas because they can't motivate themselves to do work or don't want to do anything to improve their situation. What is different from the people that live in suburban middle class areas who do the same. Many of them have settled for lives of mediocrity and are as lazy as some blacks.
People seem not to understand that poverty is a reoccurring cycle. What I mean by this is that many blacks have been born into poverty and don't always have the means to rise above it in their lifetime. Now I don't condone giving any excuses for underachieving. I just wish there was more understanding of certain situations. The same is true for many whites who live in poverty. They have a difficult time transcending the limitations that have been set before them.
There are certain exceptions to this observation. The exceptional few are able to transcend these limitations. Now I know that my father used to live in a two bedroom shack with his thirteen brothers and sisters. He never went to college but did go into the military. He was able to move up into the middle class and while he still has his struggles he has accomplished a great amount in his lifetime. It has been one of the many factors that has inspired me to push myself beyond my limitations.
One of the many problems I do see with African Americans these days is that they seem to encourage the stereotypes that many people perpetrate. I know that when I was in high school many blacks would say I was too white because I spoke differently and didn't act like other blacks. Now this is unacceptable. We need to work towards improving ourselves each day and rising above the challenges of everyday life.
We as African Americans can't keep blaming white people for our problems and assert ourselves. We need to stop putting each other down when we achieve a goal. If there is anything we can take away from the Democratic nominee is that an African American can achieve greatness if they are willing to work hard... and have a little bit of luck because luck does play a pretty big role in the grand scheme.
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