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2008 Election

Well there are only two weeks before America will choose the next president. I thought it would only be appropriate to do a blog. Let me start off by saying I don't affiliate myself with any political party. My ideals typically fall under the left wing. I'm still undecided about how I will cast my vote. Well maybe not undecided. I do no who I am not voting for.

The main reason I am blogging is to say I am sick of all the negativity that is going on. I mean I know that is politics but this election isn't about who did what. The race should be run on who can lead the country to prosperity and right now we need a leader. It's obvious by looking around today that the country is in bad shape. We are in the worst economic situation since the Great Depression. The Democrats and Republicans are constantly at each other's throats. Not to mention we are fighting a never ending war.

Well even though all this is going on all you can see is finger pointing and blame. To be fair it isn't all the candidate's faults. Much of this is because of the media. I mean some of the things they have reported have been absolutly outrageous. Most of the negativity has been directed at the Democratic nominee, Barack Obama. Now I don't know if everything reported is true but shouldn't the voters vote on the policies of politicians and not on their personal relationships or religion.

One of the most idiotic claims that I keep hearing out of people's mouths is that Obama is a Muslim. These same people are outraged by a particular sermon by Jerimiah Wright. This is a problem because Obama has attended his church for nearly 20 years... Wait isn't that a contradiction. A muslim that attends a Christian church for twenty years? How about the claim that Obama is associated with a former terrorist. I can't fully comment on this because I don't know the facts.

On the other hand you have McCain who people claim left his former wife and married his new wife. Let me explain a little more clearly. McCain was married before but his wife became an invalid during his marriage. He allegedly married another woman while he was still legally married to his former wife. Now this is also a horrible claim. But why are we voting on their past. Shouldn't we vote on what they can do.

Now these things do speak volumes about the candidate's characters but I have a hard time believing what the media wants to report. The media companies have agendas just like the politicians.

The main point I want to get across here is that people need to look past what the media reports and listen to what the CANDIDATES are SAYING. Right now we need someone who will create jobs, stimulate the economy, protect our nation, and UNITE this nation. In November we need to vote for the candidate that can get this country going in the right direction.

Now I may have many ideals that are considered left wing but I do have a mind of my own. I don't agree with everything my candidates say but since when do you ever agree completly with your choices. And for people who want to vote based on who is backing a certain candidate just remember that Louis Farrakan endorses Obama and the KKK endorses McCain. Why should that make a difference.