So as I write this there are only 14 more days until my waiting is over. In 14 days I will finally get my hands on the sole reason I bought a PS3 and an HDTV. Well maybe that is a bit over exagerated but not by very much. During the delay of the PS3 I began to think about getting a Xbox 360. They had some good games. The graphics were pretty good and I trust Microsoft's GUI.
I'm glad I held out. Even through all the talk about MGS4 going multi platform(knock on wood). My PS3 has been one of my best investments. But I'm getting away from my main point. I'm so amped for this game. Ever since I played the first game in the Solid franchise I've been hooked. I love social studies so the political overtones are very welcome. The stories while sometimes confusing(MGS2) are always interesting. This may be the best 3rd person shooter of all time. It is definitely the best tactical espionage game out there. Sorry Splinter Cell fans but I've played those and don't see what all the fuss is about. But then again people probably say the same thing about MGS.
So I just thought I'd share my thoughts. I put another 20 dollars on the game today and only need to pay another 25 for the LE.