Developers are killing pc gaming,I find your stupidity and whininess to be staggering. You would rather all the games look the same so they can meet up with your outdated system? That's the entire problem with consoles, they fall behind in technology so fast. This trend is a good thing because it means constant advancement, constant progression. If you need to look on the back of the box to check if your computer can run a game, then you need a new computer. Even before I upgraded my computer, and it was very very old, it could run NWN2 when it came out on all low settings. Just play on the lower settings, and if that doesn't work, boo hoo. Also, to the idiot who posted right below you, you don't have to buy a new computer for Vista. You can buy the OS itself. If your current computer cannot run freaking Vista then I seriously reccomend you give up on PC gaming unless you're just playing pre-2000 games.
How ironic that may seem. It seems that developers are killing pc gaming. Devs are releasing bad optimized and poorly scalable exclusive to pc games. A trend that happened a lot in the RPG and FPS genre. But now even RTS games seem to have taken the same path. Supreme Commander is such an example, a great game but starts lagging with more than 100 units on screen. What is the point in that?
Devs keep wondering why their game doesn't sell as well as console games? Why the Sims and World of Warcraft is dominating our market? What ever happened to the old pc genres? Not once did i need to look on the back to see if my pc could handle the game, but nowadays it's a real issue.
Honestly, I hope most of these devs just develop games for the consoles. That would learn them to make games according to the hardware that's available for them and not make games for hardware that only few have. They shouldn't force people to upgrade, rather only encourage you.
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