Hehehehe, I laugh at this stuff. Some people will be like 'OMFG STOP FRICKIN COPYIN' THE WIIMOTE!!!'. But it's actually quite funny, because I bet MS and Sony are thinking 'Crap! we should've done that first! Then our consoles would be as succesful as the Wii too.'
Most people who like the Wii think that this is going to fail. I agree. Totally. First, the Wii is unmatched in a sense of application. And second, look at the 360-mote's design xD it's frickin ugly xD. Also, I for one don't give a rat's ass if it has better motion sensing that the Wiimote. Wiimote at least has a good design, it works, and most of the games are frickin awesome (Playing MP3:C with a Wiimote really works well). Wiimote rocks.
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