I had my brightness on 5 and ToA kept freezing a lot. So I put it down to 3 (Medium) and it works just fine now. Hope I could help
CosmicCucco's forum posts
Turn off all unnecessary features.
-Lighting to max of 3
And of course, save when you can. I waited too long and am on second Playthrough on Feres Island (Sorry if spoiled), trying to beat it on Hard Mode to get Berserker costume title
-256+ Hard Mode Battles, then talk to guy standing up front on the pillar to the right of the coliseum. He's punching and kicking.
Kid Icarus: Uprising (Overall)
Ocarina of Time 3D (Kind of)
Tales of the Abyss 3D (Overall)
Oh and Super Mario 3D Land (On in-depth mode)
Kid Icarus: Uprising (Overall)
Ocarina of Time 3D (Kind of)
Tales of the Abyss 3D (Overall)
Oh and Super Mario 3D Land (On in-depth mode)
I've read plenty of times that the catalyst weapons increase in power for every enemy you defeat....Does this happen before or after the Nebilim fight? After would render utter uselessness to me. I could really use some help before the Nebilim fight and power them up off weak enemies in order to assist fighting Nebilim later on. I'm at Yulia city for the third time and currently on the second playthrough.
EDIT: Forgot to mention, Do all of the Catalyst weapons have this Power Rising Effect?
I thought of a probably common way to complete this Costume Title Quest very easily. Would it work if I just killed 256+ Rhinos or other Weak Enemies around the start of the game? Or do I have to defeat 256+ DIFFERENT Enemies, because that'd just suck!
Maybe You Could, I Dunno, Beat It Without Cheats? What Game Is It Anyway? One Might Think Your Just Trying To Break The Rules For No Reason.
In the case theres a club nintendo paper. your PIN is on there too
EDIT: Wait, Sorry Nevermind. Go Back And Tell Them?
Can someone help me? I just unlocked the weapon Poseidon Cannon by beating Chapter 8 in less than 20 minutes and I want to know what two weapons can I fuse to make the newly unlocked Poseidon Cannon. I can give a Palutena Bow (The one Pit has in Smash Bros Brawl) Fuse in return.
EDIT: I just found out that fusing Orb Staff + Orb Staff makes Poseidon Cannon
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