No, not that I dislike the game: on the contrary. I just reach the end. My rambligns are on a notepad text file somewhere. I can't begin to try to figure out how all stuf is going to go on, or which threads will have enclusure. The ending of this game is not negative though!.
I just want to point this out cause often you hear the word" dissapointing" together with "the ending of dreamfall". And I don't think people are dissapointed with the ending as it stands, but more dissapointed by the lack of further story. So the ending isn't a dissapoitment, it's a huge cliffhanger.
and we want more!
I'm not going into detailed ranbling about the threads that are cut loose by Ragnar Tornquist in this second TLJ chapter, cause that would be too spoiler-ish. I'd like to wait a few months with that.
Ofcourse now it's back to playing the rest of tomb raider legend on normal difficulty, and then we wait for e3!.
Oh I could go and buy oblivion but first of all i'm not so emotionally drawn into this, and I heard it kinda taxes your pc alot. Knowing that I've got a little-below-average pc (technology-wise) I know i'll hear my harddisk rumble 10 minutes befor I can play the game.
The alternative is to buy an xbox360 but i'm not sure of that yet. I'm against buyig the wrong gaming console and i don't want lots of these roaming around the living room. Oldfasioned ? greedy ? No, it's just the way i've been raised.
One does not overdo the luxurious stuff things so to that extend: i find having 3+ types of consoles overl the top. I want to choose. If e3 has convincing nintendo stuff I'll buy a nintendo... and then it's byebye xbox360 cause then I'll also upgrade my pc lated this year instead.
If it's the other way around and I get hyped by games coming out for xbox360, then it means I don't need to upgrade my pc so it will stay the way it is and i'll play good games on the xbox.
You guys do realise the market just crates all these demands and wants you to buy everything right ?
I'm only a casual gamer and only like to play these game I have strong feelings for, so the investment in game technology has to stay relevant to the frequency and intensity in which I play games.
To give you an idea there's only a bunch of games i'm looking forwared to. Prey, Zelda: Twilight Princess, spore and maybe too human but have to see more of this...