I would really love me a Scizor, but since that's already been said, I think that I would also kill for either a Lapras or a Feraligatr
Cosmotron's forum posts
Guitar Hero 2. That game had the best track list.
I would love to buy the 3DS the first day it's out, but is there any danger of it being bad for your eyes? I know that ten or so years ago, game companies were testing out 3D, and when they learned of its harmful effects, they scratched the whole project.
I'm a newer gamer but here goes:
Halo 3 ODST (for the online)
Pokemon Silver (or soul silver, i haven't played it)
Super Smash bros original
Castlevania double pack for gba
FF but i'm not quite sure which
the newest guitar hero (DLC)
Star Fox 64
God of War
Mario Kart DS
Trackmania for PC
Every rattata level 2-5
They come up every freakin 2 steps!
As revolutionary as Drawn to Life was, it only got a 7.5
I'm thinking either an 8.5 or a 9
As great as this game is going to be, I think they should have made it look less childish. I want to actually see the dingo eating the baby, not just a gesture and a poof of smoke.
Related joke:
Boy comes back from school and tells his dad, "Dad, today I had s*x with my teacher!" The dad is obviously very proud of his son for becoming a man and takes him to ice cream. After the ice cream, the dad buys the boy a new bike in honor of the occassion. The dad asks the boy to give the bike a spin, and the boy says, "Not now dad. My butt still hurts"
Missingno, boggle, over 9000, guitar hero, Messiah, cancer
Well there's always the obvious, p**is
But otherwise, Dumbo
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