I like the burgundy because it matches my e-reader. Otherwise, the bronze is probably a better, more neutral choice.
CountessChocula's forum posts
I have all 4 DS models (there are only 4 out at this point, right?:), and the only one I really don't like is the original "brick".
I won't say that any one model is the best. It really comes down to personal preference and what your priorities in handheld gaming are.
The Lite is my all-round favorite DS because of its light weight, pretty "metallic" color, and GBA slot.
I prefer the XL to the DSi regular because the larger screens help with my poor eyesight. This might not matter to you, but the text in certain games is difficult for me to read on the small screens. However, because the resolution on the DSi XL is the same as on the small DSi screens, some games do not look as good on the larger screen; the text in the DSi menus and web browser also looks more pixelated.
The sound quality on the XL is decent, and more importantly, the speakers are loud enough. The XL (my unit, anyways), has the "clicky" buttons/Dpad like on the Lite, while my DSi has (for me) harder to push, rubbery buttons/Dpad. One final advantage the XL has over all the others: the unit is more comfortable to hold and I don't get hunched up as much as when using a smaller unit.
Hope this helps.
Glory of Heracles is a generally average turn-based RPG; it's an OK game but nothing special (disclaimer: I haven't finished it yet). If you are bored with FF, Pokemon, and KH games then you probably wouldn't like Glory of Heracles.
Lucky you to have the lilac PSP! Hopefully you can sell the HM software...
The PS store indicates the size of each game. They vary from about 150 MB to 1.5 GB. Personally, I prefer to have multiple memory cards with a few games on each rather than risk losing a massive 16GB card. However, you can redownload your games (within certain licence restrictions) and back up your saves.
In addition to the recommended games above, I suggest:
Daxter: action platformer that really shows off the PSP's graphics capabilities (IMHO)
Gurumin a Monstrous Adventure: action RPG/platformer; not the greatest graphics but very fun
Space Invaders Extreme: if you have any interest in old-fashioned arcade type games
Ratchet and Clank Size Matters: shooting, platforming, light puzzles...
Beats: a music rhythm game, if you're going to put a lot of MP3 files on your PSP, this inexpensive download gives you something extra to do with them.
Unfortunately my PS3 is at the repair centre, but I plan to buy this immediately after I get my system back. I've been putting off replaying GoW 1&2 in expectation of playing them in high definition.
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