@JVII: "...they would effectively be cannibalizing their sales of Fallout 76..." I'm calling bull on this. They just weren't ready to show more.
@gamingdevil800: It’s clearly right-wing cranks on here trying to white wash Nazisim. You aren’t very bright — are you?
I got rid of my Xbox One when it was announced Halo would never have split screen again.Maybe I'll consider picking it up again after they finally made the right decision to bring it back.
@Hicks_1: Only to idiots, of which there are plenty in this world. Jersey Shore and Honey Boo were also hugely popular.Face it. People in the world are dumb. You're dumb. That's okay :-)
Considering cynicism isn't inherently bad, the familiar sounds right up my alley -- and pretty typical for this type of story.
@uubershikamarux: If you make a RPG and all you have is combat, then you've completely screwed the pooch.
@deviltaz35: Utter bull. The game sucked because of poor development and writing. Your anti-SJW crusading and whining is ridiculous.
Cowbie's comments