first they say 50%, then they say 40%... i do not believe 40% of gamers are girls, kids may use there moms credit cards, emails, account so that there children may play, there is no way is heck 40% are gamers, i believe around 15 to 20% would be female, and not even girls who game on a frequent basis, i remember playing World of warcraft and even on PC you would have raids with 95% of raiders as men, and once in a while you would have a few females in there, this article seems like more of a lie then anything to encourage and get more woman to play so that they increase in profits, remember they want everyone to play games and poison there minds lol.
@TheBigChewbacca @charlesdao @Bigjoe1627 @HaloinventedFPS guys the ps4 uses 130% of ram and if you reverse it uses -130% which means its got technically 260% of gigawatz for processor performance
@Blazen702 playstation 4 is the lead platform for developers buddy, so many devs have stated that the ps4 is more powerful, faster CPU, GPU, and the memory "His point about the memory bandwidth though, is completely fallacious misinformation. You can’t just add the memory bandwidths of the ESRAM and DDR 3 together to get a theoretical maximum. Tech just doesn’t work that way" so again your gettin smoke blown up your ass by microsoft lying to you guys again, the ps4 is rumored to be shipping at higher cpu clocks aswell, 1.8 to 2.2 maybe even 2.4, rumored though but we will see.
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