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CptMactavish Blog

End of the World? Come on Christians! and some Quick updates!

yes its me pals......... i havent been on here in age's so i figured i would write up a blog for you guys :)

well yes....... its me :P idk if any of you will remember me, idk if you will, but if you dont, i dont blame you :P

anyways here some quick updates:

first and foremost im trying my fingers/hands at writing another book, yes the last 2 or 3 i tried were failures, (if you guys remember Injected :P) but this one is more my style..... its a love story....... EWWW you say? well wait till you read it :P i am considering posting what i have so far on here to get you guys caught up in the story, but we will see......

2nd avolve, im back! im going to try to write blogs more often, atleast twice a month, and they will most likely be pretty long ones, so yeah.

anyways that was the updates for now.......... everything else ive been doing here on the island is pretty personal so yeah :)

So, unless you are welll.... dead...... or mentally screwed, you should know that a man named Harold Camping, posing as a Christian, said the world was going to end on May 21st 2011, well obviouisly, it didnt, but i was 100% sure it wasnt going to, (now im not a prophet or anything like that :P) but the reason is because back in.... 1998 i think? (i might be wrong, if so, please correct me) he predicted the world would end.......... so once i heard the news the world was going to end on May 21st, and heard the name, i was pretty sure (like many other people) it wouldnt.

anyways ill cut to the chase here, the reason i am bringing up this subject is becasue of the bad name that this put on us... bros in Crist (@EGOE :P), almost everyone thought all of the Christans were crazy when Mr. Camping said this, so of course im not going to call him a idiot or anything, but i do kinda think it was kind of...... lame? more like really really really really really lame, but you know, anyways the Bible specifaclly states that no one will know when it comes.......... dont believe me?

Revelation3:3NASB'So remember what you have received and heard; and keep it, and repent. Therefore if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what hour I will come to yeah, interesting how he got all of the other facts FROM THE BIBLE that the world was going to end on May 21st, hmmm he mustve overlooked Revelation's............... hmmmm he probably didnt realize that the world it self means change, and that its the only book in the bible that gives a reasonably indepth explanition of the Rapture..... yeah i bet thats waht happended (if you didnt get it i am being sarcastic!) anyways guys i gtg now :( so cya later folks-Nathan-

Some might call me a nerd....... i call it smart :P

sooo yeah i havent posted anything in a long time so figured i might as well do a little update, well i guess now im considered a nerd -.- i know how to build a computer (havent built mine yet) know about all the computer branding stuff, and to prove it i have this :P

see told ya so

btw thats a Razer tag, i made it on their site, if ur not familiar they make very high end gaming periheals their site name is on the Tag :P well thanks for reading guys! nathan -OUT-

Thanks Everyone!

well guys i just want to say thanks for praying for everybody last night.... and also the death toll in Japan is 32 deaths :S but nobody in Guam was even hurt, we didnt even have a surge, we only had a little rise in water level, anyways, thanks for the prayers! continue to keep everyone in Japan in your prayers as well, and everyone in Alaska, East Coast (of US), Chile, Mexico, Vietnam, Thailand, and many many many other places that have gotten struck, and will get struck by the Tsunami :\

Thanks for Reading!!

God Bless!!!

Nathan- OUT!

PRAY, PRAY PRAY, do it please!!

everybody i live in Guam, as u all know in Japan as u probably know also, there was a 8.9 magnitude earthquake, and there is a Tsunami WATCH until 11 PM tonight, but i want u guys to know that I AM SAFE but other people in the lowlands are being evacuated into the highlands, but my house is 400+ feet above sea-level, also keep everyone in Japan in your prayers!!!

What my Computer Build Will Have (Updated)

Parts for Computer

Stuff Ill Need:



The new Crosshair Extrmeme V thats comes out in 2012




Power Supplies:

CD Drive's:



Hard Drive: (for windows) (for everything else)


Operating System (64 bit):

sothats it im goign to just be getting a old keyboard at first XD then ill upgrade to a better one :P

My Computer Build (so far)

well ive decided to build my own computer and ive put togather a list of the parts i have so far: :P

Parts for Computer

Stuff Ill Need:



The new Crosshair Extrmeme V thats comes out in 2012




Power Supplies:

CD Drive's:



Hard Drive: (for windows) (for everything else)


thanks for reading! God Bless! -Nathan-

What Appeals to Gamer's These Days? - Part 1

alright guys so this is a little blog series i will be doing explaining about what really appeals to gamers these days this is Part 1 out of 5

alright so for this 1st part u guys are going to tell me what u look at before considering a game to buy/play

1. Music

2. Gameplay

3. Diffuculty

4. Graphics

5. Sounds (yeah right lol)

alright so please comment and tell me which one u look for before deciding to but a gmae :D

Controversy, Controversy, Controversy,

alright guys so the other day i was reading some blogs (I AM NOT NAMING NAMES HERE!!!!) and i was thinking how in the modern world people seem not to even respect one anothers belief, i mean with alot of religions (espeically Chirstianity) it seems like everyones 'Truth' contradicts what we say is Truth, BUT that doesnt necessarily mean u should just hate that person, the Bible Says this........

Matthew 5:43-44

"You have heard that it was said: 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy' But i say to you love your enemies and pray for those who persuecute you"

so techinally if i refer to say a Atheist as my enemy (NO OFEENCE MEANT AT ALL), hes really not my enemy, i mean i know its hard to love someone whos argueing with you over things all the time, but the bible says we should, so im not going to go around saying "I HATE ATHEISTS!!!!!" because that would be wrong, and just make it worse, but anyways.

Thanks for Reading! God Bless -Nathan-