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#1 Crack-Brood
Member since 2006 • 25 Posts

Just lifting weights won't give you muscle definition. Losing body fat is what makes your muscles show, regardless of how big they are. You will look ripped if your body fat % is below 10% even if you're a wimp, and you will have very little muscle definition if your body fat is over 20% even with huge muscles. So go get on a good diet... at about 10% body fat is the magic number, at that point you get to see your whole six-pack.

Also, doing curls with light weights is a terrible way to exercise. Curls are horrible exercises for newbie weight lifters, the reason you see pros doing them is because their muscles are so tough even after a whole workout with deadlifts, barbell rows and pull-ups their biceps aren't beat out yet, and then they use huge weights not 10-pounders. If you're serious about putting on some muscle mass and strenght check out the Starting Strenght lifting program, that's awesome for beginners. For a good diet program to lean down, check out Lean Gains, I'm on it right now, it's going fantastic, much better than any other I've tried before.

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#2 Crack-Brood
Member since 2006 • 25 Posts
Mario and Yoshi. ... Yeah, someone had to go there.
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#3 Crack-Brood
Member since 2006 • 25 Posts
It seems single player has become a secondary concern nowadays. People just play through it to learn the controls, not caring how generic the gameplay, how short and shallow the content, or how terrible the plot. Then they hop to multiplayer for teh lulz.

Personally I'm not into this and if a game fails to deliver a good single player experience I'll be disappointed no matter how "fun" (I say this with reservation as I often disagree with other people, specially console fanboys regarding what they consider great multiplayer) the multiplayer is.
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#4 Crack-Brood
Member since 2006 • 25 Posts
I'm somewhat let down that substance has taken a back seat to style in games this gen. Games are becoming more cinematic experiences and that means that their limited development budget isn't going towards creating truly outstanding gameplay. While graphics have gone forward and videogame experiences that were before unimaginable are possible, gameplay has gone backwards. I don't think this gen will have many memorable games that we'll still be remembering 10 or even 5 years into the future, because no developer cares that their game rises above a standard of mediocrity if they can produce great graphics and get cool cinematic sequences out of them. I guess that's why Blizzard games are such a hit. They give us good graphics where it matters (cinematics), but mostly Blizzard games have just incredible gameplay that anyone is able to sink 50+ hours into (and that's casual games; the hardcore player base will get several houndred hours of fun out of a Blizzard title... and I doubt they will ever forget about them).
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#5 Crack-Brood
Member since 2006 • 25 Posts

[QUOTE="lolfaqs"]You still don't get it. Conspiracy has nothing to do with it. They are legally obligated to act within the best interests of the corporation. Let's say tomorrow one of them comes out and says something that goes against the best interests of their corporation and that hurts their corporation (causes a drop in the stock's price). They've just breached their duties as a corporate officer and have opened themselves up to legal suit. The corporation can now choose to sue that officer directly, or shareholders can seek a shareholder derivative suit to force the corporation to sue that officer.=What this means is that they cannot say something that will damage the corporation. Their hands are tied.Vandalvideo
Fact: You are asserting that their statistics are not trustworthy. Fact: This organization is an amalgom of some of the most reputable sources in the industry. Fact: They say the PC is the single highest grossing platform in the industry. Fact: They have provided statistics to back up this claim. Fact: You have provided no quantifiable, tangible evidence to assert they have negaged in a conspiracy to lie to consumers and provide misleading statistics. Fact: Until you can provide such evidence, then I have no reason to not believe anything they say, as everything you've said is merely supposition.

My belief in your debating credibility has taken a plunge with your argument in this thread. lolfaqs isn't "making suppositions" when he says that corporations only act in their own interest. The paragraph you quoted in question doesn't have anything but cold hard facts in spite of your ignorance, denial, and desire to redefine how corporations work. Perhaps you should get out of this forum and get acquainted with the real world unless you enjoy the taste of your own foot in your mouth.

Statistics also aren't a crystalline source of data, they can be cherry-picked and manipulated however the statician wants and in fact most business-related studies do so. Before you believe in any study you have to research who the people who paid for said study were. This isn't just related to a silly gaming argument either, it's generally a good idea unless you like the idea of being herded like a blindfolded sheep by junk scientists. For a couple minor examples: Remember that study that claimed as a fact that second-hand smoking was dangerous? It was proved to be a bogus study based on shaky information, but it was published anyways as a fact by the anti-tobacco watchdog groups who had paid for it. Remember that study that said that eating eggs could be hazardous for health because it raised blood cholesterol? Well it turns out the study's results were skewed and intentionally published incomplete. It was later clarified by Olympic athletes' nutritionist experts that while eggs have a high cholesterol content, it is a different sort than the one that causes health problems, and eating eggs could actually lower the levels of bad cholesterol in your blood. What was the reason the original study published bogus information? While it may sound ridiculous, it's because it was paid for by a board of cereal distributors hoping to get people who ate eggs for breakfast to consume their product instead.

When it comes to business studies and business analysis, you'd be a fool to assume they're giving your crystalline facts as data (in fact you have no way yourself to corroborate that this study is right). They're interested in giving a sugar-coated version of things to stock holders and don't really care about the truth getting to the lowly end-consumers like us.