Black- this game rocks with all the destruction that you can do. the graphics are very good but in some points if you zoom in and out the details go away. The A.I. arent the greatest and in fact are stupid. Gameplay is much like any other FPS which i like. recomended this game to people that want to take stress out on a game. My review 8.8
Unreal Championship 2: Landri Conflict- at first i thought it was a little weird with both third and first person view but then again its nice because when you shoot your first person and when you want to attack with your meele weapons you go to third. Graphics are pretty good and the gameplay is great but getting use to reguires time. Game has great value because its a fun multi-player. recomend this to FPS fans. My review 9.2
Half-life 2- great game even though its better on the pc i wont judge it. Graphics are pretty well done and gameplay is one of the best. So far the story has been pretty clear and easy to understand. recomend this game to all xbox and pc owners. my review 9.8
Fuzion Frenzy- well if you want to just laugh and have fun and spend $10 you can buy this acarde style game. there are plenty of games that you can play and for me its and fun time to spen with my gf. my review 8.8
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