Call of Duty Finest Hour - is probably the worst ww2 game that i ever played and don't recommend it to anyone. graphics blow and the gameply is so weird. Also unlike other world war shooters this game is to easy. my review 5.7
Brother in Arms: Road to Hill 30- on the otherhand this game is the best ww2 shooter i have played on the xbox. The commanding your fellow troops is the best feature. Graphics are good and the gameplay is the best. my review 9.8
Rainbow Six: Critical Hour- still dont understand the low review score from gamespot. This game is the best rainbow six game to date and should be played by all. Graphics are pretty good and the gameplay is awsome. This is the best tactical shooter out there. my review 9.8
Doom 3- this game is sweeeet. the graphics are pretty good and the gameplay is right up there with halo 2. this game is sometimes confusing because it gets so dark you dont know were going and your so worried about the monsters jumping a grabbing you out of nowere. recomend this game to buy by all shotter fans. my review 9.5
Unreal Championship: The Awaking- this game is only average. Graphics look like a 2d arcade but the gameplay is real good. so far the story is a little hard to get and will finish the game soon. probably the worst in the series. recomend this game to rent but its also very cheap. my review 7.5
Medal of Honor: Frontline- this game is very hard and challenging. recomend this game to all ww2 shooter fans maybe a rent for others. gameplay ia all right not the best the same with graphics. Example the very first level is amazing and is a pain when your at the beaches of normandy. very very hard. after the first mission they the missions then have some boring and some great ones. my review 8.7
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