It's Good To Have A Handheld Again
by Craigisssssssss on Comments
It's been quite a while, but I am once again in posession of a handheld. I bought a DS Lite quite some time ago, and have yet to stop playing it. IT's so fun. Just......pure amazment. I got one of the last ones in the Niagara Region too lol. So lucky. So far I have bought, Castlevania POR, Mario Kart, Elite Beat Agents, Age Of Empires, Children Of Mana, Final Fantasy 3, Hotel Dusk (which is superb - best game on the ds so far [for me anyways]), and Metroid Prime Hunters. All of these games are really great, and I have only beaten Hotel Dusk (and I am currently replaying it) so I have lots of gaming to do. So, I'd like to type more, but the DS....she calls. See ya, and have a good day.
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