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Craigisssssssss Blog

It's Good To Have A Handheld Again

It's been quite a while, but I am once again in posession of a handheld. I bought a DS Lite quite some time ago, and have yet to stop playing it. IT's so fun. Just......pure amazment. I got one of the last ones in the Niagara Region too lol. So lucky. So far I have bought, Castlevania POR, Mario Kart, Elite Beat Agents, Age Of Empires, Children Of Mana, Final Fantasy 3, Hotel Dusk (which is superb - best game on the ds so far [for me anyways]), and Metroid Prime Hunters. All of these games are really great, and I have only beaten Hotel Dusk (and I am currently replaying it) so I have lots of gaming to do. So, I'd like to type more, but the DS....she calls. See ya, and have a good day.

Oh No Not $600

I really don't get why people are so surprised that the ps3 costs $600. It was estimated by some to come out at 800-900 and still people have acted as if it took them off guard. People should have been saving up money anyways, they not only knew it would cost alot, but that it was going to be coming out soon. People should just suck it up and buy the damn thing seeing how it will probably last them until 2010 atleast. Well thats my rant for now. Until something angers me enough to motivate me to go on my computer and vent, I'll see you (my imaginary reader) later.

First Blog

Yeah so this is my first blog on gamespot. Doesn't really make sense though, ive gone on this web site so often and never really done anything with the account. Oh well. Even though I'm pretty sure absolutely no one will even be reading this, I'm gonna keep typing anyways. Right now I'm eagerly awaiting the arrival of Okami. I've been bored as hell since I finished Shadow Of The Collossus. If I really have to wait until September for Okami I think I might go mad. Hopefuly Black might be able to fill that gamers void for the few months I'll be bored. I understand everyone says the game has no replayability, but I haven't played a shooter since the days of 007. So most of the time I'll probably just be getting my aiming down. So far I've been addicted to the demo I got in one of the psm mags. But we will see how my boredom plays out. If anyone is reading this and has some ideas for some games for me to buy between now and September, I am totally up for suggestions.