@LOXO7 Other sites mentioned it but didnt subtract points. Not even worth bringing up when all men are portayed as bastards and the fact that the game pokes fun at EVERYTHING.
They say 9/10 as if the average game gets a 5 score. The average game gets around 7.5 on metacritic. With that considered a 9 is good but not all that great. GTA V is so far beyond any other in it's genre that anything less than a 10 is a disservice.
@Zilaan_ @Bumblebee1138 Lol no! Most people these days are using laptops that would struggle playing the pc version of San Andreas. Are you saying that all the Cod's would have sold twice as much if they were console only? lulz
@aussie_gamer13 User reviews average score cannot be trusted. Metacritic for example is full of trolls giving it a 0 score. The more popular a game is the more trolls come out of the woodwork to give a game a low score. So what if it's an aging engine? GTA 5 is more impressive on a technical level for 2013 than GTA 4 was for 2008. The graphics are as good as can be, given the scope of the game.
Cranler's comments