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When will the video game market comprehend what we want in a Game?

When will they listen? Games like WOW just more of the same. In general the game companies make boring new games. Same characters, maybe 3-5 charcters to pick from. They must get it through their heads that I and others like myself what to play a game with open ended play as well as a decent AI. Though they get better they do so slowly. Though I don't know the AI protocals I believe I could lend them some great ideas. Too many point click fighting games where is th skill in a point and click RPG? I played WOW for about 20 minutes and I just could not bear to play the childrens game anymore. Bethsheda has the right idea and is in my opinion not to be touched by any other out there. There are a few games out there as in Freelancer, Fallout 3, Oblivion which could use much touch ups but is the best that we got. The graphics on these games are yet another down side. So much spent on the crap graphics for what lucky to see realistic running water. Technology should be much farther then the hard to distinguish DX10 and DX9. Then to go pay 300 for a card for some average graphics and annoying FPS. When is the game companies going to give us some gold?