Jigglypuff kicks butt. They did dumb her down a bit for Brawl, but her rollout is better than before, and a lot of other characters have been dumbed down, so it's really as even as if was before. I mean, think about it: Why would Nintendo make a completely useless, dumb looking character? Unless, that is, that that character was actually very good, just nobody gave them a second thought because their intitial reaction was "that's a stupid character". That character, obviously, is jigglypuff.
Now, personally, I could never get the hang of Sonic. He's just too fast. Tap one direction for just a moment and he goes off-screen. Trying to pick up items with him is more imprecise than trying to pick up an item in a claw-grab machine. That being said, I'm not trying to knock anybody who uses him or likes him. Just saying I can't use him.
Now, off-topic, my favorite character is Solid Snake. Even Jigglypuff is blown away by his awesomeness.
And yes, this should probably be SSBB specific, not in the Wii topic.
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