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Castaway~A LOST RPG

Like .LOST? Like RPGs? Try this out:

Its a lost rpg with free roleplay and main roleplay. Free roleplay is roleplay any time in the show, any place. Main roleplay is  an ongoing rpg  starting from before the crash.. Remaining characters:

Jack Shephard
John Locke
Hugo (Hurley) Reyes
Ana-Lucia Cortez
Michael Dawson
Walt Lloyd

Secondary characters available:
Ethan Rom
Henry Gale
Alex Rousseau
Danielle Rousseau
Bea Klugh

I've just done an activity check so there could be some more characters soon. You can also make up your own original characters and Other characters.

Even if you don't know how to roleplay, check it out anyway. There are help topics and threads to help and if you Pm me I'll be glad to help.

If there is a character you would like to be thats gone then try roleplaying a different character. It'll be fun. Hope to see you there :D

Richard Hammond in hospital :(

Top Gear presenter, Richard Hammond is in the hospital after crashing in a car crash. I decided to do a blog post for him because i wish him well. Anyone who wants to do the same can post here. Or if you want to share your views.
Richard is out of intensive care and doctors say he's making "satisfactory progress".

He remains in a serious but stable condition overnight after his crash in a jet-powered car.

Doctors at Leeds General Infirmary said they are 'reasonably optimistic' that he will make a good recovery.

News continues to emerge from the hospital where Richard's wife Mindy and their daughters Willow and Isabella are at his bedside.

The accident happened during filming for the new series of Top Gear at the former RAF airfield in Elvington, near York.

Richard was taken by air ambulance to Leeds General Infirmary's neurological unit. A hospital spokesman said this morning: "He has seen some improvement overnight, but remains in a serious but stable condition."

Jeremy and James have both visited Richard and Mindy in Leeds.Like us, their thoughts are with Mindy and the family.

Obviously we expect the crash will be fully investigated by the Health and Safety Executive and the BBC.

The BBC said in a statement: "We are pleased to hear that Richard continues to improve and are staying in close touch with his family.

"The circumstances of this accident will be fully investigated by the BBC, and this process began on Wednesday night.

"We will, of course, be fully co-operating with any investigation by the police and the Health and Safety Executive. Until the BBC's investigation is complete, it would be inappropriate to comment on the details of what happened."

Jeremy's statement:

Jeremy and James have arrived at Leeds General Infirmary to visit Richard and his family.

Jeremy told "Richard remains in intensive care. Obviously at this time both he and his family are the most important concerns we have. It must be devastating for his wife Mindy and his two utterly adorable children.

"I would just like to say how heartened Richard will be when I tell him just how many motorists and truck drivers on my way here wound down their windows to say they were rooting for him. Both James and I are looking forward to getting our Hamster back."

In addition, we've already received a number of emails at wishing Richard well. If you'd like to add your thoughts, please email us.

We've posted some of your messages on the website and do our best to make sure Richard receives them all .


Hey guys!

Hey all you TV lovers out there. Sorry i ain't written in ma blog yet  i've just been SO busy! (Ahem) anyway my name is Natz and i am a crazy, funny gal. I am in Yr 8 at skool. I h8 ma skool. Anway thanx 4 lookin at ma page i appreciate it peeps. Anyway i better go post some threads talk to ya'll soon! XXX