I wonder if there's anyone out there that considers revision anything other than a chore. I'd like to meet them and educate them.
That aside, are there any anime fans as well as gamers here? I seem to have found a hitherto unexplored place of fun within Naruto and Full Metal Alchemist...anyone? And Advent Children - wow! They're great, but sound goddamn rubbish dubbed with english - subtitles are the way to go...sounds weird, but it's true. I haven't done a search yet - there's probably a union, but for now I'm just in the whole blogging spirit...
Maybe this is all just another way to spend useful time doing useles stuff...including this thread, which I would like to bring to the attention of as many people as possible, because this guy's obviously completely off his nut. To be honest I can't think of a much more pointless way to spend my time, which is probably why I keep going back (check out how many times I've posted there! :o). It's probably damaging in some way...
Given the title of this blog, is anyone else likely to read this do you think? "Just another bored guy"...well I'm not just some bored guy! I'm a student!! And I have rights!!!...*ahem* 'scuse me.
Anyway, revision proceeds, exams are gloriously failed with meaningless scrawl, and life goes on...or rather not if it repeats next year. Rats. Oh well.