I still have the snes and games like Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger,Terranigma and many more. Just have to buy a new adapter. Plus also have the nes. This makes me want to play.
So I do not care for much but I do love the steelcases. If I want a steelcase does this mean I have to buy the collector's edition? That would suck.
ETA. Now someone said that the artwork was ugly and to be honest, looking at it, I do not like it either. I do owe the steelbooks of FF Type O and FFX/X2 HD and they are well drawn.This one is just not my taste. Perhaps I just go for the day one edition and buy a nice strategy guide instead.
@xshinobi: Like you I also enjoyed all 3 FF13 games. And yes I did play all the older FF games. Maybe it is because I am not going with hypes and do not have so much expectations. yeah yeah It was very linear at first but I did enjoy the battle system. Loved it and I also liked how with one battle system you could be ripped to shreds but once you figured out which roles to use you could conquer the boss. Plus I set myself goals to win all hunts with 5 stars and yes I managed to earn myself my first platinum and had fun. It seems you should bash ff 13 and should love FF7. (I love 8 more)
CrazyDutchwoman's comments