I was playing Soldier of Fortune: Payback for GrrlGamer for two days; that's all it took to beat it. Two days at about two hours a day. :P On top of that, the bosses at the end were a strange mix of hard and easy. Most people would assume that if a high calibur machine gun unloading 100+ rounds into a person wouldn't kill them, stabbing them with a knife certainly wouldn't.
Not in SoF's world. Bullets are for stunning, knives are for killing. The game was pretty bad, for the most part anyway, but the end boss stuff just made it absolutely rediculous.
Oh, for those that actually may read this at some point, I decided to make this kind of a gaming journal sort of thing. Since I barely posted anything other than the initial stuff, clearly long posts are something that just aren't gonna happen. So this will be something where I make quick posts about a game, well, like this post is.
That is all. :P :D